A Report button PLEASE!

Hello, my name is Frank Forfeit and I represent the Freedom to Forfeit coalition. I would officially like to request a report button to report people who report people for forfeiting and thereby are trying to coerce us into forfeiting our basic rights and freedoms to forfeit. Although, gg farmers are douchebags and we have forfeited their memberships in the coalition.

Furthermore, every one who reads this thread and doesn't give me a red point is clearly forfeitist (made up word probably) and a racist and should be auto reported.

P.S. Reporting peeps is uncool.


Rage2020;n7049460 said:
Would love even if its just for beta a report function, so we can get rid of these people who repeatedly forfit. Had one person forfit on me 15 times in a row lastnight as everytime it went back into matchmaking pitted us against each other and each time he/she forfited in card selection. That right there is enough to discourage me from wanting to play again the rest of the eavening. He/She was not the only instance of this either........

yeah, the same thing happend for me too
Cd projekt really needs to do something about this. It just happened to me twice in a row with two different players. Both games I was winning and they forfeited before the match was even completed so I didn't get any exp. both times. This is unfair and really needs to be addressed. I took a picture of one guys name and I think I remember the other persons name. Is there any where to send them that information?
You can't blame a player for a game bug/design. Him forfeiting should have nothing to do with you getting a win, that would be a bug. Getting less experience is a game design and should be addressed.

Unless we're talking about sudden disconnects here, which already punishes people pulling the internet plug.
I don't see anything wrong with a forfeit. If you can tell from your hand that you already lost in 3 turns then why be forced to play that out it's just wasting both players time that could be used on another match. However the purposely dropping/disconnecting players that is a different story we need an option to report a dropping player if they were losing and get dropped it's likely they are cheating the system.
I needed a 'report button' today. I was playing ranked against a bot that uses all the timer every turn to try and force the opponent to forfeit. Unfortunately for it, I was in the middle of binge watching netflix so rather than quit, i just watched my show and waited it out. Nyaha.

Longest game ever.....
ChrisFromOz;n8979310 said:
I needed a 'report button' today. I was playing ranked against a bot that uses all the timer every turn to try and force the opponent to forfeit. Unfortunately for it, I was in the middle of binge watching netflix so rather than quit, i just watched my show and waited it out. Nyaha.

Longest game ever.....

I thought about playing a deck with search effects that add a 60 second timers to your turn. Win condition would have also been to annoy your opponent out of the game^^

Guest 4021160

Can we have a report button with return:void functionality stored?
Rage2020;n7049460 said:
Would love even if its just for beta a report function, so we can get rid of these people who repeatedly forfit. Had one person forfit on me 15 times in a row lastnight as everytime it went back into matchmaking pitted us against each other and each time he/she forfited in card selection. That right there is enough to discourage me from wanting to play again the rest of the eavening. He/She was not the only instance of this either........

If you're playing a monster weather deck or Skellige with bears, then you should get used to everyone instantly forfeiting against you.
A report button would be useful.
If a player let the timer expire 3 consecutive times he should lost the round or match, that's a strong evidence that he's afk or is a bot. That will be a nice improvement to provide some protection against antisportive behavior
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Guest 4021160

idomyownstunts;n8990800 said:
Only douches report people. Btw reported you all for participating in this thread.

Double douche for participating in this thread and reporting other participators. I've reported you for double douchebaggery.
Karolis.petrikas;n8991580 said:
Double douche for participating in this thread and reporting other participators. I've reported you for double douchebaggery.

Well, you just hit a home run slugger.
Wouldnt a report for forfeitting only be useful for beta, Im sure people would love free wins in release game. Adding a button just to report people quitting beta games seems a lot of unnecessry work
Is there a report/bug button in Gwent that I cannot find?

Is there a report/bug button in Gwent that I cannot find?

If there is someone tell me where it is please. If not I would love to see that in a future update.
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