a tiny little detail you like in witcher 3

a tiny little detail you like in witcher 3

for me when we fighting something near our horse he like panic and screaming
but that feel so amazing
My personal favorite was when I first encountered a wind gust or storm and Geralt goes "Hmm, winds howling" and I was like WTF *mind blown*
- When standing on uneven ground or near a basket Geralt will stand with one foot up and the other on the ground. Only other time I've seen something like that is in Guild Wars 2 so to see it in this as well is a nice touch.

- Also not so tiny, but I spent a good ten minutes in the prologue just watching a wild herd of horses running around. It was amazing. Same goes with flocks of birds.
When I walk along dirt roads, I kick up dust, which is fairly typical of many games. But I was out in the woods, I saw floaty things at the bottom of my screen. I had been walking in a bunch of leaves, and I kicked up some. Seemed amazing and assumed, but really the first time I ever saw it in a game.

I was on a boat when a storm kicked up, and suddenly the water started churning; larger waves as the storm really kicked in gear. Water sprayed over my boat.

There's an old man in one quest who is smoking out near his hut. He coughs, and hits his chest trying to get rid of whatever's in there.. You can really hear him hitting his chest!
- When standing on uneven ground or near a basket Geralt will stand with one foot up and the other on the ground. Only other time I've seen something like that is in Guild Wars 2 so to see it in this as well is a nice touch.

- Also not so tiny, but I spent a good ten minutes in the prologue just watching a wild herd of horses running around. It was amazing. Same goes with flocks of birds.

Your post reminded me Sadgrad, I stopped last night in Velen to watch a distant flock of birds stream up out of the undergrowth and fly off. Brilliant.
I like seeing NPC react on weather. Like they make comment on the weather and take cover during rain. The weather in this game is phenomenon. Totally wish i could see a freaking snow storm in the game.

Like seeing Geralt getting wet and his armor. It just really felt like he is covered w/ mud especially fighting some monster in rain.

I really like the lighting effect like dungeons are really too dark forcing me to use cat potion.

I really like when human mobs reacting to my signs. Like they make a comment i am hexing them.

I really like Geralt sarcastic comment when doing some quest or anything in the game.

I really like Roach drinking water and eating grass when waiting for me.
Bodies realisticly floating on water. Wolves and bears fur with NvidiaHair. Commens of common folk about Geralt. When you dismount, horse going to stable.
There's a lot for me, but I'll add just a few:

+ The ability to set barrels of alcohol aflame, then running away and watching them explode.
+ The dirty spots that show up on the camera when you tilt it directly towards the sunset
+ Water that actually accumulates and ponds together when in heavy rain in low-lying spots
+ The beauty that is the flowering plant, Moleyarrow.
+ Facial emotions that evoke a true sense of feeling out of you as you listen to heartfelt pleas.
+ Moss-covered treasure chests
+ AI that's actually intelligent
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I like that decisions matter and NPC's react if you had helped or killed one of their brethren long after you forgot with the "Oh Yea, I Remember That" moment.
Believable facial expressions evoking so many emotions.

Going to have to agree with the poster above me. CDPR's animators don't get half the credit they deserve for the facial animations in this game.
First thing has got to be that trees move in the wind... that blew me away, first time out in the woods near White Orchard at dusk and the little trees are swaying with the wind, it was just so amazing to me, I still tell everyone about it when I talk about the game.

I also love Geralt's facial reactions of mirth, he never laughs but you can see his real opinion about others in his eyes and little facial ticks.

I also love the way the roads are in the game, too often I see these medieval fantasy games with paved cobble roads every which way and that... here I was astonished to see that even common roads that cross streams might not have a bridge, the puddles in the road, the grass that grows up between where the cart wheels commonly tread, I mean if you think about it, a stone or wood bridge in some shady lil podunk medieval village would have long since been scavenged for building materials by the local populace.
A lot of those, but lately I discovered, that when some punks (like Novigrad's thugs, or angry mob) engage you in fist fighting "to show you your place" you can either beat them up, or just draw your sword and they will go like "hey there, dude, we don't want any trouble!".

You can be stupid enough to try to beat the shit out of a living legend of swordsmanship in a brawl, but anyone should be smart enough to stop flinging his fists as soon as Geralt draws his sword. This is a very welcome addition!
There are so many little details I love about the game. I try to list some of them:
- The humor in the game. Seriously sometimes I'm laughing my ass off
- Dat growing beard. Damn so awesome! Combined with Nvidia hairworks even better. Looks so cool.
- Gerald's comments on things while playing
- The little storys on the notice boards in the towns. Like Odrin searching for beer to drink, or this guy searching for a guy to correctly write things on the notice board for him :D
- like already mentioned by others: the weather system and how NPCs/animals/monsters react to it
- watching a wolf pack hunt down a bunch of rabbits/deer
- see your runes glowing on your swords
- etc.
Them animals running around when My horse plows through the trail. I see them squaken and running for there lives like the great hunt is after them. XD

Rain water falling from the shacks walls that was cool.

Hate those who spit at my feet.
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