About Banished Cards

About Banished Cards

Hello everyone!

I have a little bit problem with banished/doomed cards. If you're playing any ressurect card like Freya, Hattori etc. you have to remember them, cause they're getting out from that game.

Here's my opinion, don't change their ability, it's really ok. But after dead, i want to see them in my graveyard as black/white. Black and White cards means banished cards and can't be ressurectable. In my opinion, that will be better.
What happens after Mandrake interaction below 6 str cards? oh it's really hard to say, but we can see them black/white and 0 point str.

I know i can easily track them with deck tracker. But i'm trying to play without tracker.

Just an idea. Could be confusion for the person who started yet but they can adapt easily in my opion.

Thanks for getting advices from community.
This sounds like a good idea to me.
Although it would probably require a re-wording of the Banishkeyword, so maybe the cards could go to a separate "stack" instead of the graveyard.
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Honestly, it's hard not to agree with that. It would indeed be better in every aspect and your idea about Mandrake (show the card greyed out with 0 str) sounds perfect to me as well.
Good idea!
Complete agree with this, as well! This will help newer players, too, who may not really know that a mandraked card is indeed no more.
I'll put it in writing too, cause I know if an idea gets a good tracking the devs actually get informed of it - about damn time to do this or something like this.
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