About free legendary items after 1.2

Yeah I don't think that's what the op is saying exactly - he's saying the cumulative effect of the various changes is causing the lack of enthusiasm, rather than that one thing.

In a way I get it - eg. you can't just stumble across as much legendary stuff now.

I can kinda understand cdpr wants to stop players getting powerful gear early, as a lot of people were looking up where these items are and rushing straight to them. But many others would be simply exploring and find awesome stuff randomly which is part of the enjoyment of exploration.

Reading through the thread im wondering if anything interesting is left in night city without having to spend a load of money?

The same thing with limiting player movements more now, parkour and climbing has been limited - again I can understand cdpr wants to stop players glitching into areas they're not supposed to be in, but also knowing that the exploration is likely to be more restricted makes it less enticing - with all these changes I think to myself "probably not much point going anywhere except for the mission area, because it's either shut off or doesn't contain interesting loot" now which is a bit of a bummer tbh.
Uff the movement limitation is a real bad call. Without much interactivity in the city apart from missions I really enjoyed exploring the verticality of the city. And even discovering new shortcuts to go to where I marked on the map. So what if we find some glitched/unfinished area? The city is amazing. It's incredibly drafted, CDPR should own that by giving freedom to explore. If some louder voices shout out that this is unfinished, or represents cut content that's where the owning/confidence should come in. It's gigantic, of course it has unfinished areas.
I'm lvl 16, with 1.2 installed, on a new playthrough and just starting the heist. I picked up legendaries from shops, I picked up corpo shirt and pants from Watson so those legendaries are still there. I have more than enough eddies after buying everything I wanted... I haven't needed to cheat or save scum,.. I really feel that the missing weapons are minor compared to how many more legendaries they give us and I brought the blue mantis blades anyway. I could have had legendary shirt and hat as well but ye know... I have enough. I'll upgrade to the legendary weapons when I meet the requirements for them, which I really don't think will be an issue and I know I'll have more than enough eddies to get them but right now they are just not important. The removal of the couple of easy to loot weapon legendaries really is not a big deal

So the Brancesi exploit was eliminated with the latest patch, that truly sucks as I have gone back to an earlier save since then in order to check if I can actually trace down the body in long term cryo that I saw referenced in a message log on a PC one of the side missions. The message mentioned that a body that had been in a rental cryo unit that was originally rented about fifty years earlier was due to be dumped for non payment of fees and inability by the renting company to get in touch with any representatives of the rental customer to alleviate the failure of payment. All the YouTube videos of the game ending have thoroughly depressed me and started making me regret ever purchasing this game because they are so bleak. Which is a real shame because I thoroughly enjoy most of the game otherwise and I was hoping there was a better ending that no one has found yet that allowed you to save both Johnny and V.
not sure what u meant exactly - but 1.2 patched duping and the painting now costs 9k on rebuy so the dbl amount of its selling price.... the painting seems to got irrelevant by now.
As of last night, I found FOUR legendary items (two pairs of boots, two jackets) on dead cops in 666th Street Turf, all not far from each other.

I'm not sure what you think has been removed.
I disliked the fact that you could get them for free so easily, it doesn't feel like a reward after you already know where to find it, so this change is a welcome one in my book. If you want it so bad, save money and buy it, it's not like they took it completely out from the game. It will make the game a little bit more challenging as well.
"Book"... come to think of it, the official guidebook because more and more useless with every patch, doesn't it?

More challenging or not, it's a useless change, in a single player game...
OK, I feel they acted kind of like the fixer Dexter with the patch 1.2, and went behind players back with the sneaky removal of the Monowire, and other things people mentioned.
Not that I use it, I dislike deeply the way they implemented it.
Instead, maybe they could have taken a moment and look at the Monowire and realize that IT IS NOT a blunt instrument of death, and move it in the right category, maybe, just maybe?
I mean, how obtuse someone can be to confuse a hammer with a piano wire for that matter???
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