Achievements No Longer Unlock (PC - STEAM - Patch 1.52)

I just noticed last night I filled out the requirements for a few achievements and none of them unlocked. Anyone else?
Once upon a time in Heywood, Little Tokyo and little man what now took a little while after i closed the game to unlock. I saw them the next morning dunno how long they exactly took to unlock. But now i am still waiting for the Badlands and Pacifica achievement and i wonder if they will show up at all.
Looks like others are reporting this issue on the steam discussions forum so hopefully CDPR are aware of this by now and working on a fix. I went ahead and filed a bug report anyways.
Uh so i have to roll back till the point where i finish the quests that trigger the former broken achievements or will the savegame kind of remember and tell steam each time i play the game that in this game i should have unlocked these and that achievment?
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