
could anyone tell me who can play dice in act 2 besides carmen and zoltan?( i am novice) and how do i increase my rank in dice poker? only by beating other novices? thanx
Outside Vizima: Zoltan/Odo/Harem/Mikuhave to play 3 of these to get a new statusVizma Temple area: Zoltan/Gambler/Thalar/Munro/Carmen/Elven Convict/Vaska Thalar/Munro is the quest important onesVizima Trade area: De Witt/Burgomesiter/Hiophant Druid two should get you professional status with Thalar/Munro played already and allows you to enter Gambling Dens and play for really low money (bug?) against your first Shaper.Lakeside: Can't say for sure as this area is always horrible bugged for me when I've gotten this far and the game just breaks down. :/
Thaler won't play you as a novice. Where is Munro located, I can't seem to find the guy.
Munro is a pro who just tells me to play carmen and zoltan as well as the Gardener. I've played them both already. Vincent has locked me in the temple area so i can't back track. I think I'm outta luck for pro dice players in this act? Anyone know a way out of this mess?
CRAP!!! She does not gove the option for poker. Is there a way to somehow unlock the option? This is getting a tad annoying. Any help is appreciated.
I think you don't get it until you've competed the 1st quest for her and she gives you the quest for the boy - you ask her -- isn't boring out here in the swamp? or something like that
I finially got it, thanks for the help. The poker mini-game is great as is this game.. I's a nice break from WOW.
How do you play Odo, Harem, and Mikul? When I ask them they say it's the devil's game or what not and refuse to play.
I'm stuck in chapter 3 as a novicepoker player (which seems to be a common problem) since I didn't realise the non-linear aspects of the game would not include some of the side quests in the course of doing the main quest. I didn't get the novice level poker quest until I talked to munro in chapter 2. It then triggered the professional poker quest as well. Once I beat carmen and the gardner I didn't learn about Vaska as a player until I was stumped in chapter 3 and searched these forums.As much as I dig this game for its awesome alchemy and combat system and the overall excellent variety of quests and storylines, it irks me that I have to miss out on one of the best mini games to come along (in all games) because the option to play Vaska is no longer there. It seems to me from a storytelling and roleplaying perspective that the option to play a character still accessible wouldn't become unavailable unless that NPC was killed or became an enemy of Geralt.I'm betting this was not intended to happen and somehow was overlooked in the coding, because otherwise the quest would have failed once I progresses beyond the point it can be completed. If it is intensional, I think it would be great if this choice was reversed so that the chain could be completed anytime during the course of the game; via Carmen, Gardner, Vaska (since the first three characters are gone after chapter One) and if that can't happen then I think it's only fair to have the quest become 'failed' status once the player progresses past the point of no return; chapter three. Just as the "Old friend of mine" quest fails if it isn't completed by the end of chapter two. Since poker is a mini-game I don't see how it affects anything from a relationship or tactical standing; unlike the 'Old friend of mine' quest. For this reason allowing it to be completed anytime during the course of the game does not create an imbalance.Another idea would be to modify the text or the quest type to indicate to the players that it must be completed in it's repective chapters. This would give players a chance to catch it before playing well into the next portion of the game. Still though the simplest option is to just make the dialog option available on Vaska in chapter three. It's one thing to miss a quest because it never crossed my path; or fail a quest and have the journal tell me so immediatelly after I reach that point but it's another to have a quest remain in your journal as completable when it is not. That leads to hours of wasted time searching for a solution to an unsolvable riddle.Again this is an outstanding game with the exception of these points I brought up. On a side note; I found the game loads from much faster at startup if you keep just a few saved games. I found this out by deleting old entries; which is why I can't just replay a small portion of the game to recover the poker mini-game; I'd have to start over at the prologue. One thing that might help is if quick saves would overwrite old quick saves and auto saves would overwrite auto saves. Then players could add save files where they wanted. This would reduce a lot of clutter.At any rate; I'll probably begin a new game anyway since at this point I have a better understanding of the character building system and the combat mechanics. Again I can't stress enough how great this game is; it just needs a few tweaks.
RelixLTD said:
I'm stuck in chapter 3 as a novicepoker player (which seems to be a common problem) since I didn't realise the non-linear aspects of the game would not include some of the side quests in the course of doing the main quest. I didn't get the novice level poker quest until I talked to munro in chapter 2. It then triggered the professional poker quest as well. Once I beat carmen and the gardner I didn't learn about Vaska as a player until I was stumped in chapter 3 and searched these forums.As much as I dig this game for its awesome alchemy and combat system and the overall excellent variety of quests and storylines, it irks me that I have to miss out on one of the best mini games to come along (in all games) because the option to play Vaska is no longer there. It seems to me from a storytelling and roleplaying perspective that the option to play a character still accessible wouldn't become unavailable unless that NPC was killed or became an enemy of Geralt.I'm betting this was not intended to happen and somehow was overlooked in the coding, because otherwise the quest would have failed once I progresses beyond the point it can be completed. If it is intensional, I think it would be great if this choice was reversed so that the chain could be completed anytime during the course of the game; via Carmen, Gardner, Vaska (since the first three characters are gone after chapter One) and if that can't happen then I think it's only fair to have the quest become 'failed' status once the player progresses past the point of no return; chapter three. Just as the "Old friend of mine" quest fails if it isn't completed by the end of chapter two. Since poker is a mini-game I don't see how it affects anything from a relationship or tactical standing; unlike the 'Old friend of mine' quest. For this reason allowing it to be completed anytime during the course of the game does not create an imbalance.Another idea would be to modify the text or the quest type to indicate to the players that it must be completed in it's repective chapters. This would give players a chance to catch it before playing well into the next portion of the game. Still though the simplest option is to just make the dialog option available on Vaska in chapter three. It's one thing to miss a quest because it never crossed my path; or fail a quest and have the journal tell me so immediatelly after I reach that point but it's another to have a quest remain in your journal as completable when it is not. That leads to hours of wasted time searching for a solution to an unsolvable riddle.Again this is an outstanding game with the exception of these points I brought up. On a side note; I found the game loads from much faster at startup if you keep just a few saved games. I found this out by deleting old entries; which is why I can't just replay a small portion of the game to recover the poker mini-game; I'd have to start over at the prologue. One thing that might help is if quick saves would overwrite old quick saves and auto saves would overwrite auto saves. Then players could add save files where they wanted. This would reduce a lot of clutter.At any rate; I'll probably begin a new game anyway since at this point I have a better understanding of the character building system and the combat mechanics. Again I can't stress enough how great this game is; it just needs a few tweaks.
Well I started a new game like I said I would. I have to say in the game's defense; that the experience was much richer since I took the time and effort to explore all the dialogue options with everyone I had access to at each interval. I'm just about to the point where I left off in the first run of the game and I have vastly greater riches and equipment. Granted I had a much greater knowledge of what was coming at each stage of play but having unlocked several stages of quests previously completed goes to show that I had only skimmed the surface the first time around. Many of the stories had greater logic since the chains didn't get completed after massive leaps in logic; thus I had a better understanding of how Geralt came to some of his conclusions and choices.The first time around I learned the hard way not to put off quests until later; so I was able to finnish "An Old Friend of Mine". Anyway; when I get back to where I started I'm going to be much more attentive to what is being said (even if it doesn't get recroded in the journal) and I'll make haste where I can. In hindsight though; I wonder if the dice mini-game would have eventually opened back up with Vaska later in chapter 3 or even in 4 or 5. Since the novice quest never actually failed it seems a reasonable assumption if I'm to give the dev team any credit for the time they spent on this quest. Just as Carmen's dice option is gone when the werewolf quest is active; perhaps her option ot play will come back as well.
I am several hours into act III of the game and I love it so much. I have the exact same problem with the poker game. I don't want to start over again, is there anyway to get it to work again or will I just have to accept the fact that I missed playing poker with some characters in Act I and II and now I cannot experience the poker anymore?I would love to see a solution to this if anyone has succeeded to advance further despite having this problem. Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas. //Amee
Oh geez I'm in the same boat. I've beaten the gardener and Zoltan and Carmen several times but i'm still a novice. Vaska won't play dice with me and i'm in Chapter III Am I completely screwed? Anyone have any tips I'd appreciate it. This game is fantastic, by far the best RPG I've played. Ranks right up next to KOTOR !!!
Anyone? I'm about to complete CH 3 and bypass all these dice Pros. I don't want to keep pushing through the game if there's a fix. I know there's a decent mod community, is this something that could be solved with a .LUA mod file?
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