Action Buttons stuck on screen while in vehicle

After the Tapeworm quest, Action buttons stays on screen once in vehicle.
Load an older save, the vehicle UI stays on screen, while not in vehicle.
Something broke after quest
Cyberpunk2077 2021-04-23 09-19-19.png
I had this kind of problem, not after this quest, not when I'm in a vehincule but the reverse. Vehicule UI stay on screen when i was coming out of it. (Reload and relaunch the game do fix the problem).
You can try to do a quest with some sort of "cinematic", like Sweet Dreams. I hope you have one of this kind :)
(if not, maybe you can test to launch the "Nocturne OP55N1" and reload a save when you have V's control like on the roof with Misty)
I've got the same bug. As soon as the "Beat on the Brat" transitions into "Tapeworm" the speedometer appears on the UI and won't go away.
Me too, but after complete this part (when I come out of the hotel), just getting on and off my bike fixed it.
I think and hope, it work the same for you ;)
Kinda... getting off the bike makes the speedometer go away, but the base UI elements stay on the screen when on it.
Kinda... getting off the bike makes the speedometer go away, but the base UI elements stay on the screen when on it.
Ok, that's not work has intended :(
You can try to sleep in V's apartment (the goal is to launch a "loading" screen) for remove the UI.

Anyway, you can report it Here (if you didn't already did it) ;)
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