Adding mod slots through crafting

Don't know if this is the right place to post this or if it's been brought up before but just needed to get it off my chest. It would be cool if we had the ability to add the max amount of mod slots to a clothing item through crafting. The save-reload trick is fine but in some cases ( a particular fight with a dope cyber ninja that's part of the story) you get two pieces of legendary but with random slots on both. Having to fight this individual over and over for the optimal slot configuration one one pieces is hard enough, on two pieces I don't even know what the odds are but it's time i don't want to spend. Added to the fact that this individual seems to have his loot determined when you kill him and that means you have to do that fight repeatedly to get the proper additional item you want and the proper slots. It would be great if I could just add the slots later even if it cost me legendary components to do it. Anyway, just a thought for maybe future DLC. Hope everyone's having a good day!

makes even nonlegendary to legenday items
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