After finishing The Witcher 3.... The world feels so lonely!! :(


After finishing The Witcher 3.... The world feels so lonely!! :(

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The plain fact of the matter is that whilst this is an enjoyable game, the ambition of The Witcher 3 outstripped its budget.
For sure. The game is enjoyable, but it didn't quite hit the target though.
I think that CDPR is just incapable of making a game that feels complete from beginning to the end. Their games always feel like missing something that doesn't let them rise above "enjoyable" mark.
I am sure the cyberpunk will be no different. There will be holes in the game of any sort that will just not let it go above average level even with all the massive budget injected in to the project. That is my opinion, these guys just can't make a complete game, they will always suck to a certain extent and miss vital things that separate great games from mediocre with big budgets.

What's the point in investing in Skellige massive empty lands and saving up on the game's ending? wtf, this is so amateurish.
I am sure the cyberpunk will be no different. There will be holes in the game of any sort that will just not let it go above average level even with all the massive budget injected in to the project.

It was indeed said in an interview that Cyberpunk will be even much bigger than The Witcher 3, so there is no lack of ambition.
I don't think anything you do after the main story is actually what Geralt is doing after stopping the Wild Hunt. There's quite a few inconsistencies (Redanian soldiers shouting "long live Radovid" if Radovid is dead or there still being a big ass Nilfgaardian camp in Velen if Emhy dies.) I think it's just there for people to have the option of doing more side quests and leveling up, purely for gameplay's sake.

Yes, I think the game even says so that it is before the final battle (except the boat with all the major characters in Skellige is not there). The Nilfgaardian camp does not mean much, it does not just suddenly disappear, and it probably takes some time after the ending until Nilfgaard loses the war and then Emhyr is later assassinated. Regarding the soldiers' reaction to Radovid's death, I found these dialogues in the game, although it is possible that they are not actually used, and even if they are, they might be too few and far between to make a noticeable difference.
Hello everyone!

I just finished the game TODAY ( yes i know it was a little late ) and wow what an adventure it has been. Just simply actually "amazing" would be an understatement it's just too good. I got the ending I wanted where Ciri became witcheress and moving in with Triss. Everything was awesome until I got spawned back into an empty Kaer Morhen. Everyone was gone. Like they never existed and it is like everything Geralt did was for naught. Yup feeling pretty empty and hollow inside right now, was kinda hoping to go on adventures with Ciri and see what it's like retiring with Triss in Kovir, but no, everyone just vanished lol. I really hope that they make the BaW expansion post-epilogue so that I can get some closure. I would gladly pay alot to see that happening :)

#TrissForever. :envy:
I agree, it's empty and pointless.

That's what I was talking about in another thread, character interaction gives the game colour.

I don't want to play a Witcher game as hack and slash or something. I like exploring and walk around while winds are howling, but looking forward to character interactions are what keeps me going, not the next sword upgrade or level up or anything.

The happiest moments in this game were the quests involving major characters and protagonists in the game.

Triss's quest in the mansion, the wedding quest, going to Kaehr Morhen...that's what I want damn it! :D
It just feels VERY unrewarding and disappointing to not see the characters again. It's the same feeling you get when you watch an entire season of a TV show only to find out that 'it was all a dream'. The story was simply too engaging to end in that static world.

Although, apparently they're bringing some back in Blood and Wine. Is this true?
exactly my feeling. I had hoped to be able to be with triss and kovir and hunt monsters there but no everyone disspeared. I litterly went depressed for a day because i was and still is, so deeply connected to main characters. Almost as iknew them irl myself. I truly love witcher 3 and most of all Geralt himself. My biggest wishes is to see a return of Geralt since his characters has soooooooo much potential even tho there isnt a huge gap of story left. Seeing a 3rd expansion as big as BAW but with being able to go to kovir and be with triss or yen based on your choice (cant remember where yen wanted to go), this or a witcher 4 with everything i just said. If one of these things happends im gonna be the happiest man in the world for all eternity :).
Well count one more to the endless club of those people. I felt lonely and almost depressed(sounds kind of weird, but its true) after finishing this game, the ending was just a dissapointment after all the awesomeness that happened in the game and all that you have been through. I hope they will bring in some EE/DLC, where they fix this, and where they fix ACT III and some parts of ACT II as well, as it seemed quite rushed. I will gladly pay extra money to see this things fixed. Hopefully they will listen to us fans and do it ... they seem like they do a lot for fanservice, and they could still re-sell this thing and most people would surely buy it anyway. Lets have our fingers crossed :)

ive created an account just so i can show my support of some DLC to fix this...

ive only just gotten back into witcher 3 recently as ive been super busy with work and other stuff.anyway i got sucked in hard over the last couple of weeks and finished it last weekend.i was pretty happy with the ending (ciri becomes witcher,geralt with yen) but then when i spawn back in i discover im all alone in the kaer morhen....kinda feels like geralts been abandoned...fair enough ciri might be out travelling the world doing witcher contracts but where is gezza's love interest?? at least put her back in with some dialogue. really ruins the immersion for me unfortunately. and that sucks cause this is an awesome game.. ive read heaps of forums about this and a lot of people say that the post ending free roam is set just before the last mission. but i dont think this is true because according to my quest log,the last missions are completed and archived.even the small mission where ciri gets her witcher sword.

on another note, maybe thats why we are going to toussaint in blood and wine?.....looks like a perfect place for a special wedding hmm? (HINT* HINT*) and weddings are a great place to catch up with all your closest friends (WINK* WINK*)

Hah, wedding would have been awesome, and it would have been the best closure one could probably get with a awesome game trilogy such as Witcher... as you would have all the characters together there, you would be able to interact a lot with them and so on ... cannot imagine better ending for the game such as this, that would probably be pure hapiness for many people :)

After finishing Witcher 3, I went back and installed Witcher 1, because I remember there was a fun mode, where you have a wedding with Triss and most of the guys are there - its more fun than serious, but still at least it filled the emptiness I felt after finishing Witcher3 little bit - as I went with Triss in W3 anyway ...
Being dumped off in an empty kaer morhen....hellooooooooo............... hellooooooooooooooooooo! And being all:sad:

Who exactly would you like there? Vesmir's dead. Lambert (along with Kiera) and Eskell have both moved on. Triss and Yennefer (regardless of romance options) move to Kovir. Ciri is either MIA, Empress or a Witcheress, depending upon your ending. The only person who is left and should be there in terms of the story is Letho, assuming you chose the option for him to be alive, and had they even provided unique, post-credits dialogue for him, it would still get old pretty fast. The problem, if there is a problem, is not that the post-ending world feels empty, it's that there is a post-ending world at all. The game should really have ended at the credits. There are plenty of reasons to re-start afresh with a new playthrough.
When a game ends, it means that there's nothing more in the main quest after the ending. And so it is. And there's no possibilities for an post-ending world because the sidequests are connected with the pre-ending world. It cannot be done.
There's really nothing to fix about this.
Even though I agree that the world feels lonely without the other characters, I found that I didn't really mind that much. After the credits had rolled yesterday and I was teleported back to Kaer Morhen, I thought that now I can go on exploring the rest of this beautiful world without the game constantly nagging me "Go tell Avalla'ch that everything's ready!" I've put off the final battle for weeks but everytime I played the game and finished a sidequest or treasure hunt, the game would automatically pick up the main quest and remind me that I still hadn't talked to Avalla'ch and that I still had that final battle ahead. This was, to tell the truth, a bit stressful for me. I dread final battles and I didn't want the main story to be over but yesterday I decided that it was time to put an end to the constant nagging, the pressure and the uncertainty of how I might perform during the final battle (Will I die? How often will I die? How many attempts will it take to defeat Caranthir and Eredin? - in case you might wonder: Geralt didn't die and defeated both Caranthir and Eredin in about five minutes each because he was ridiculously overleveled and extremely powerful) and, last but not least, the uncertainty of which ending I might get (happy one *yay*).

After the credits had rolled, I decided that I wasn't ready to leave Geralt's world just yet - even though it doesn't make much sense to play on after the main story is done because the world is reset to a point before the final battle. But I found myself playing for a couple of hours nevertheless - and found myself enjoying it a lot because that awful self-inflicted pressure ("Go on, finish the main story, face Caranthir and Eredin, stop putting it off") was gone. This feels very good, actually. Also, I still can't believe that I've actually seen the credits of a Witcher game - never finished the first two games but that's a different story :)
So, it's been almost 1 year since I started this thread, and now I'm playing the game again for the second time, but I still don't think there has been any change made for the post ending situation right? I mean, I've heard that once you complete the final mission and the credits roll out, you load to a save file right before you start the final mission, don't know if that it's true, but that would be way better than respawning in Kaer Mohren forever alone.

This mod might help abit when you've finished the game

For what I see that mod makes more contract missions pop out, that doesn't make the main NPCs appear after the final mission right?
So, it's been almost 1 year since I started this thread, and now I'm playing the game again for the second time, but I still don't think there has been any change made for the post ending situation right?

As far as I know, no changes related to this issue have been made.
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