Aga Szóstak tweets about quest design

Aga Szóstak tweets about quest design

Someone on twitter asked Aga to describe the job of a quest designer, here's the answer (translation by me):

AgaSzostak said:
OK, ready? Here we go. Prepare for a lot of reading ;)

Above all, a quest designer cooperates with all other departments. The work begins with creating a quest's screenplay.

The screenplay is created in cooperation with the writers, who are responsible for the story and general reception of the quest.

Designers work to ensure that gameplay is coherent and the ideas can be implemented.

When the screenplay isready, it's ipmlemented in the editor. The quest designer is responsible for creating the quest from a technical side.

He also creates a rough sketch of the dialogue, a kind of notes for the writer as to what information should be contained.

The writer creates the final version of the dialogue, and then a list of assets needed for the quest is created.

The asset list is forwarded to appropriate departmets responsible for their creation and initially discussed.

Naturally, there are smaller or bigger changes being made during the entire process, and the quest goes through a series of iterations.

Each change is again discussed, implemented and so on, until the final effect is achieved.

There. That's how it works, very roughly. ;)

EDIT: clarification from Aga:

@Kodaemon Nice job! :) I need to add though that all answers are curtesy of our wonderful Quest Designer Karolina Kuzia! :)

So, thanks to Karolina!
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