all hacking alerts npcs

so, after one of these patches i noticed that using any kind of hacks on an npc would alert the entire group, and cause them to start actively searching for me, even covert hacks that aren't supposed to do that. breach protocols aren't exempt from this either, for as soon as i use BP to upload anything, to anything as soon as it travels through the effected network to infect npcs, they are instantly alerted. now, for the most part i don't really have issue with this, except for the covert quick hacks, which aren't supposed to do that. now, i'm a little annoyed that breach protocol is effected by this, but i guess i can see it... anyone else having this issue?
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I'm having the same issue..the other night when I was playing..I was just hacking a vending machine and Valentinos on the corner of the street came and attacked me.
Not an issue :(
Since day one, the only QH (offensive) who not alert the enemies is "System Reset". All the others like "Contagion", "Overheat" or "Short Circuit" does alert all the enemies around (Short Circuit don't, if you OneShot the target). Sometimes, they can locate you. Don't know how it work, maybe on the netrunner NPCs.

That is a bug (certainly). It appear in 1.2 :
Legendary version of QH who add breach Protocol deamon (other than "optics reboot") like "Cripple movement" or "Cyberware Malfunction" :
If you have one of those equiped and do a breach protocol (and upload the deamon) or do a "Ping", all the enemies are alerted.

Edit : And if you hack ("jack in") a machine or acess point in view of enemies, they attack you. In stealth, if you completly fail the hack on access point or on a machine (or just quit for reset it), all the enemies around are alerted.

I hope that clear :)
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so, after one of these patches i noticed that using any kind of hacks on an npc would alert the entire group, and cause them to start actively searching for me, even covert hacks that aren't supposed to do that. breach protocols aren't exempt from this either, for as soon as i use BP to upload anything, to anything as soon as it travels through the effected network to infect npcs, they are instantly alerted. now, for the most part i don't really have issue with this, except for the covert quick hacks, which aren't supposed to do that. now, i'm a little annoyed that breach protocol is effected by this, but i guess i can see it... anyone else having this issue?
I'm experiencing this phenomenon too, but on an on and off basis. one time I play, use Ping or Breach Protocol, the enemy squad doesn't react to it, another time, in the same playthrough the squad reacts to it, and becomes alerted. (Which I love really, since I play on 'Very hard' difficulty and poses a nice challenge). Have absolutely no idea which is intended, though. In the case of Animal Fight Club I have to take heed not to down the leader first, as that would set Rhino on alert, and thus that fist fight is forever lost.

That fact actually signals to me that it's not intended, but really have no clue. At first I thought it was due to mods, but none of the mods are so intrusive that they influence the game so much that it would misbehave like that. Are you using mods, or are you on console?
using the breach protocol to upload daemons isn't supposed to alert enemies until they go off (for instance using the weapons daemon added by the corresponding top tier quickhack shouldn't alert enemies when you upload it, only when one of em' uses a weapon and it malfunctions), not until that patch broke it anyway.

and the vending machine incident mentioned in an earlier post, he said the guards were around the corner out of view when they came after him for hacking it.

as for the quick hacks themselves: i specifically referred to covert quick hacks, which by design aren't supposed to alert enemies when used, and like you said if you one shot enemies with short circuit it also doesn't alert enemies as long as they're alone (or it didn't use to), or if you nab all of em in one shot, like my favorite deck does.
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