Any hotfix soon?

ArianeGrosmont;n9574611 said:
Seriously? You think the current problems are cards in SK and SC? What patch are you playing?
You're conflating the arguments. I didn't say SC and SK needed nerfs, I stated the UNITS needed nerfs, and I stated why. If you look at the W/L stats (below), you'll see that Eithne decks are actually ahead of NR. So are... all Monsters, and Bran.

ArianeGrosmont;n9574611 said:
I mean, don't you want even the smallest bit of challenge? wouldn't you enjoy occasionally having to think in order to win? do you really think you'll continue enjoying playing this game if the path it takes makes only your deck viable?
But I'll state it again: I'm not playing NR. I play Spell SC and Spies. But go on, fly off the handle as if I kicked your dog or something because I state my opinion (and why). Someone pee in your cereal this morning?

Kingoko;n9574841 said:
The point is if you dont think NR is OP then why every1 play it in ranked? Tell me plz. And yea in pro ladder we got more decks cause many players got already 100 games with NR.
Again, conflating arguments. I never claimed NR wasn't OP; I said the units were fine. NR's strength lies mainly in the leaders - you get Radovid with a double lock and 6 body, Henselt that can call up 2 units (3 w/Operator), and Foltest that can buff everything, making removal a bit more difficult.

Kingoko;n9574841 said:
If you keep 2 cards as finisher to third round you get easily 50 points from it.
What TWO cards adds +50 pts? I'll wait. I've played against many NR decks, and I've never seen them hit a +50 point swing with two cards outside of a Hailstorm or Scorch. Henselt can come the closet, but even then that requires more than 2 cards. I love fighting against Henselt though, because he rarely has any units to target with his ability. He's pretty easy to counter if you have removal.

If you take a look at the meta stats from places like GwentUp and GwentTracker, you'll see that NR is popular, sure. But it's not the faction with the highest W/L ratio... Both SK and Monsters beat out the W/L ratio from NR.

Winrate Leaders Rating 4k+ (Previous week)
  • [Monsters] Dagon 54.3%
  • [SK] King Bran 53.8%
  • [Monsters] Unseen Elder 53%
  • [Monsters] Eredin 52.6%
  • [ST] Eithne 52.1%
  • [NR] Foltest 51.5%
  • [NR] Henselt 50.6%
  • [NG] John Calveit 50.3%
  • [NR] Radovid 49%
  • [SK] Crach an Craite 47.4%
  • [SK] Harald the Cripple 47.3%

Kingoko;n9574841 said:
The point is if you dont think NR is OP then why every1 play it in ranked?
People play what they like. I play SC Spell mainly and some Spies. They aren't the top tier factions, but I play because I enjoy it.
arubino99;n9575321 said:
Winrate Leaders Rating 4k+ (Previous week)
  • [Monsters] Dagon 54.3%
  • [SK] King Bran 53.8%
  • [Monsters] Unseen Elder 53%
  • [Monsters] Eredin 52.6%
  • [ST] Eithne 52.1%
  • [NR] Foltest 51.5%
  • [NR] Henselt 50.6%
  • [NG] John Calveit 50.3%
  • [NR] Radovid 49%
  • [SK] Crach an Craite 47.4%
  • [SK] Harald the Cripple 47.3%

that is the latest GwentUp meta report i see.

Winrate Leaders Rating 4k+ (9-15 Sept. 2017)
  • [NR] Henselt 53.8%
  • [Monsters] Dagon 52.4%
  • [ST] Eithne 52%
  • [SK] King Bran 44.3%
Popularity of northern realms 33.9%

Would be kind of you to post the link, that shows your numbers.
TV_JayArr;n9575451 said:
Would be kind of you to post the link, that shows your numbers.
Weird. I was using the same one (last week's results), and it showed different numbers. Mine now match yours when I checked. Probably my mistake.

Either way, NR isn't this super awesome dominating "I-always-win" force that people here are making it out to be. Dagon, Eithne, Bran, and even Brouver are right behind them. Personally, I love playing vs NR, because it's an easy win for my spell deck.
arubino99;n9575321 said:
You're conflating the arguments. I didn't say SC and SK needed nerfs, I stated the UNITS needed nerfs, and I stated why. If you look at the W/L stats (below), you'll see that Eithne decks are actually ahead of NR. So are... all Monsters, and Bran.
lol 'i didn't say these factions need to be nerfed- just that cards in these factions need to be nerfed' ...which would lead to... what? these factions getting stronger?
But I'll state it again: I'm not playing NR. I play Spell SC and Spies.
I know, I've read your above post. I absolutely have no problem with your claim.
on a completely different note: did you notice that, if you read through these forums, you get the feeling almost no one is playing MH, even though everyone is facing opponents that do?
I never claimed NR wasn't OP
sorry, I must have misunderstood you when you said
NR isn't this super awesome dominating "I-always-win" force that people here are making it out to be.
I'm not saying NR are OP but there is something wrong with them. They have 3 golds that generate 26+ strength:
Natanis into Commanders Horn = 26
Shani into Stanis into Dun Banner = 26
and DJ

Not to mention sick combos like DJ into Natanis into Reinforcement into Stanis into Dun Baner into ..... etc for 40+ strength

No other faction can seriously compete with 26+strength golds.

Also unhindered Ram into Henselt into 2x Ram is also at least 26+ point action.

No other factions can compete with this on a raw strength value. I'm not against NR having best raw power but the gap between them and other factions in raw power is sometimes too wide. And other factions require long setup for some cards to work or careful and smart play. NR just slaps you with 2 gold cards at round 3 and has 50+ strength.
Haiel;n9577241 said:
... No other faction can seriously compete with 26+strength golds...

Well, NG has Tyborg... but then you get punished when you play him and you lose a card advantage. In NR you get rewarded for even stronger stuff. It's just not right.
Ah, that's it. I'll not play this game until merigold halestorm is nerfed heavily or removed from the game completely.
ITS SO SAD I CANT ASK A REFUND for all the money I invested. Back in that moment, I thought I must support devs for their good product, interaction with community etc. That was such a foolish.
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Yup, last patch it was mostly balanced (when gold was untouchable). Now its so retarded. Every1 play gold weathers, you need to play 1 row but then heilstorm comme. I don't remember so stupid strategy even since closed beta. Really me and so many players don't even want to play anymore. Just doin some dailys with hope that some day game will be free of such retarded strategy.
Kingoko;n9577851 said:
Yup, last patch it was mostly balanced (when gold was untouchable). Now its so retarded. Every1 play gold weathers, you need to play 1 row but then heilstorm comme. I don't remember so stupid strategy even since closed beta. Really me and so many players don't even want to play anymore. Just doin some dailys with hope that some day game will be free of such retarded strategy.

If you are seeing loads of gold weather, run anti weather cards. Seriously what do you expect? If you don't care about adjusting to opponent's strategies, I do not understand why you are playing this game. Weather is not a problem anymore.
OMG dude. That's why weather was nerfed in past few times. CAUSE Players dont want to autoinclude in EVERY deck few anti weather cards. There was hundreads of pages about it so no point giving more arguments. We don't want to be forced to autoinclude anti weather cards more then 1 copy. End of story
Sorry but if you whining only because you dont want to adapt and put anti-weather cards in your deck your argument is totally invalid.
On the other side double gold weather decks are not really strong sure they can win sometimes but are not that tough. Gold card can produce roughly 20 strength so gold weather has to hit 10 times to become even viable. And you can safely pass in one round after they played it and you have strength advantage. For the second gold weather you should have your faction Clear Skies silver or a simple bronze First Light and game is fixed.
Dont complaing if you are the problem not the card, dont embarass yourself.
Haiel;n9578631 said:
. Gold card can produce roughly 20 strength so gold weather has to hit 10 times to become even viable .

Oooh, good weather has to hit 10 Times be viable, please buff.

Except no, gold weather affects 3 rows, so with a bit of "luck" with 4 turns it will be more than viable.

and lets not talk about the statement of "gold cards are roughly 20 st" which is another blatant lie.
If you get hit by gold weather 4 times on 3 rows you are doing something wrong, terribly wrong and no wonder you think gold weathers are the problem. But vs decent players gold weather usually hits once on 1-2 rows and gets canceled or there is a pass.
Something needs to be done with dwarven agitator.. it's not right that you are able to spawn 6 mahakem marauders. No decks have that much lockdown. It's just silly. And NR armor is just out of control too.. at least give us more ways to remove armor or dmg around it. Gwent is in it's best and worst state atm..
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