Any plans for 1.3?

Any plans for 1.3?

Heys guys I know 1.2 is out and your all probably enjoying a break :)Any plans for a 1.3 to help with inventory issues etc?What about xpacs?
I gave installed the 1.2 patch, and I notice no difference :( appart from the "area" load times. It still takes 5 min to load from a saved game, and still takes 3 to 4 min for a first time area load. also noticed that the "cats eye" potion now has the visual affect still active Issue, instead of "blizzard"
a way to lower save load times might be to remove excess save games I cleared out heaps and its a heap faster, only really need latest one anyways (Devs PLEASE make quicksave and autosave hold positions 1 and 2 in your save game array and let the other save games populate the latter in the array :)
Save and load times are down to -2 seconds 90% of the time for me... 5-10 seconds for the first load, and large area changes.Besides, they can't abolish load times, and I think they did much more than most Game Devs would have done (Mots would have done nothing for load times...) I would want 1.3 to address the Automatic Sheathing issue.
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