Any stats for Gwent popularity?



Forum veteran
I would love to get straight answers to these, and many other questions too. Unfortunately, the Gwent team, or CDPR itself, is quite evasive with these questions - whenever asked how Gwent is doing they always reply 'its doing well' or something along those lines.

You really need to do a lot of investigation and speculation to get to some numbers:

-I dont use Gwent reddit, but if it works like i think, you can see the number of registered users, which currently is 117k players. Obviously this isnt all the players, probably not even half, but gives a ballpark idea of what that number could be.

-The leaderboards also give some numbers, i dont pay much attention but in pro rank each month i think the number is in the thousands

-Recently, the creator 'PlainTalkJon' released a video with plenty of his polls, one of them asked what rank you are. The answers (with around 2.5k votes) were around 1/3 in pro rank, 1/3 in ranks 1-5, the rest below. HOWEVER, these numbers are probably not representative, as Jon mentioned, the players engaged in content are more likely to be playing in high ranks since they're more commited to the game.

(EDIT) - forgot to mention Twitch, it also gives some idea on the numbers of Gwent players. Compared to other games, they are quite underwhelming values, any trendy indie games that pops up quickly gets better results
Indirect, but relative queue times could be an indication. For instance, I know my queue times in unranked are probably 5 times or more greater than in seasonal and at least twice those in ranked. I presume that is due to numbers of players rather than matching algorithms.
That's the only solid information I managed to find:


I got it from

These numbers include those who play it via Steam. Sadly, it does not give us much detail as to how many people overall play it, how long they spend on the game, what rank etc. It is only a guess, but I presume that there would be more players on GOG than Steam. Perhaps around 4 thousand players on average and 40-50 thousand overall?

But I agree, it would be great to learn more about the Gwent community
That's the only solid information I managed to find:

View attachment 11252074

I got it from

These numbers include those who play it via Steam. Sadly, it does not give us much detail as to how many people overall play it, how long they spend on the game, what rank etc. It is only a guess, but I presume that there would be more players on GOG than Steam. Perhaps around 4 thousand players on average and 40-50 thousand overall?

But I agree, it would be great to learn more about the Gwent community
Probably more than that. A lot of people are playing Gwent on mobile as well.
Perhaps you are right - I am not very familiar with the mobile version (I play the game on my laptop) but it seems likely the numbers will be even higher.
Perhaps you are right - I am not very familiar with the mobile version (I play the game on my laptop) but it seems likely the numbers will be even higher.
I play it on both. Mobile comes in handy when I'm away from my PC. And I guess that applies to a lot of the Gwent player base.
It would be interesting to find how many new players are joining each month. The 'popularity' stats quoted show the current player base, but the appeal of a game can be indicated by the number of new players joining over time.

I have a view on the subject of popularity, which is that as the number of cards and mechanics increases, the game becomes larger and more and more complex which can act as a deterrent to a potential new player. I started playing Gwent around the time of the first Crimson Curse expansion and have been able to keep up with the new cards in the expansions since that time, but if I was coming to Gwent for the first time now I'd be put off by the size and complexity of the game.
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