Anyone else feel Woodman deserved far worse? [Spoilers]

Woodman, Wakako, Fingers, Scavengers, Tiger Claws and Voodoo Boys all deserve agonizing deaths. Evelyn would not be the first person to suffer from their actions. I honestly got very annoyed when I couldn't shoot Wakako, she's just untouchable for whatever reason. Essential NPC curse.

A quest line to end all of them would of been appreciated.
If Woodman was the most evil person you met then you had your eyes closed. What about those people who paid you all those eddies? Who are they? Who do they work for? What did you do to get them?

"It is the nature of sin that everyone stands on their own to talk about someone else's."

Don't get me wrong. I killed him but I did it quickly, without gloating and I didn't kid myself that I was the 'Good Guy'.
If Woodman was the most evil person you met then you had your eyes closed. What about those people who paid you all those eddies? Who are they? Who do they work for? What did you do to get them?

"It is the nature of sin that everyone stands on their own to talk about someone else's."

Don't get me wrong. I killed him but I did it quickly, without gloating and I didn't kid myself that I was the 'Good Guy'.

I dont get that deep into it. It is just a game.
Hmm. Maybe. I cant really care much.
I shot him point blank with a Carnage shotgun. His flailing and being smacked against the wall was quite satisfying.
Woodman reminded me of Cyprian. He was treated the same way too. This is to say at a certain point his life expectancy dropped to exactly 0%.

In regards to the thread topic.... Some things are best left unsaid. If you'd get personal satisfaction plucking fingernails from a piece of shit like Woodman it's probably wise not to advertise it. The bronze bull card should probably be kept tucked away :).

What about those people who paid you all those eddies? Who are they? Who do they work for? What did you do to get them?

Honestly? There are a few fixers met during the game I would have gladly stuffed into a refrigerator. Unfortunately, plot armor is real.
Just as a note, you can go to fingers and buy everything he has way before you find out anything about him and can also shoot him dead if you choose after the encounter with judy but its considered a crime and will spawn the police on you
I killed Woodman because it's something my female V does every day for Edis so why not do it for free for a grieving friend? Still killing him or not killing him seems morally ambiguous to me. As one of the alternative dialogues says, it is an execution.

I didn't like involving my Judy in a murder either, although as Mox she would have seen worse. At the end of the day it is the lesser of two evils.
Honestly sick that I couldn't knock this guy out, truss him up, and lock him in a small dark room to die of thirst and starvation. If people want to say "Evelyn got what she deserved," what the he'll do you think Woodman deserved?! For a game about a dark dystopian society, we seem to very much be old school chivalrous.
I dunno, getting beat to death with Sir John Phallustiff seems like a fairly unpleasant way to go.
Unlike Nash (Panam) and Samson (Claire), Woodman is a real "monster" who shows no remorse and who will certainly do it again if the opportunity arises again. And if you ask to Judy, she want to do it (seem obvious after what she saw in Evy's recordings).
So, unfortunately for him...

(don't forget to "finish" him on the ground^^)
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