

Does anyone else think that the archers in the game are way too accurate? I try to take out bandits one by one, but those darn archers can hit you from very far away and never miss. I know you roll and reflect the arrows but I just think it's a little cheesy.

Another thing is I think the crossbow should do more damage to humans without any buffs. What do you guys think?
And through brush.

I understand they are a ranged enemy and are meant to keep you at bay and deal damage from afar. But shooting through trees and brush 100% accurately while their companions slash you to pieces gets a tad frustrating at times

However they usually have little to no armor. Though it's a cheesy method, run in hack and slash the archer, run back out of camp till enemies quit following, rinse and repeat till all archers are dead. Then attack the camp in your preferred manner.
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Forum veteran
To be fair, you have 100% accuracy against stationary targets, too, so it's kind of even.

And you can find better crossbows as you play that deal more damage.
Can't say i've noticed it being too much of an issue, guaranteed, after reading this thread, i'm going to get owned by archers!!

Being an actual archer myself, kind of feel i need to defend them though!! So, shooting through tree's is obviously ridiculous, but shooting accurately through brush and leaves is fine, and is quite common when shooting in the woods.
I have one of the best crossbows in the game and I agree. They are lack luster and should be buffed in dps output. Soon as mod support comes that's the first thing I'll be doing. Love to use it, but it's just not worth it. Even exploding bolts are sad as hell.
The AI in TW3 can be really idiotic and artificial. The fact they dont leave their spawn point is one huge silly issue to me. You can lure them and toy with them by exploiting this really game-y behavior, and if you want you can snipe them from out of their tethered area with the crossbow, it seems. Having really good crossbows might make this exploit even greater.
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