As someone with a lot of TCG experience...

Hey guys! New here but have been playing Gwent for a while with lots of experience in TCG for....ugh....can't believe I'm going to admit it...Yugioh (it's been 8 years or so).

Coming from that and having a fairly good grasp on Gwent in general I have a few concerns.

1) Cards like artefact compression and mandrake are problematic. Not because they're good but because you can pull them from the deck on demand and because certain decks can create a second copy.

The reason why this is an issue is because there is no counterplay to the outright removal of a card from the game, banishing or "transmuting" are utterly final effects and as such their ability to be fielded in multiples needs to be kept in check or certain decks that are normally competitive get shut down to such an extreme that it discourages meta diversity. You do not want a meta where only 2 or 3 decks work because everyone is splashing in those 2 cards.

2) Letho+Regis combo is blatantly overpowered and needs to be fixed. That is one of the most unhealthy combos I have ever seen in any game, lol and can be fixed by nerfing either Letho or Regis as they're equally culpable.

3) Players who have a bad connection are causing bugs, for example, I've had Operator's effect not activate vs opponents who have to reconnect constantly. It's not a rare issue either.

4) This is probably the most fun and accessible card game I've ever played. Good job guys!
That is a LOT of changes, wow!

Hopefully some of the things I mentioned make it to the round table!

And my poor Nekker deck :( Will be interesting to see how it works with only 2 copies of bronze units allowed.
About Letho Regis, the only problem is that there is no actual counterplay. If you take a look at the meta report, you can see there is no leader with that combo who has a positive winrate at the top of the ladder.

But that's a matter for the other topic. Let me just say that I absolutely agree on Mandrake and AC, but there are also problematic cards like Sabbath and Olgierd who can single handedly win the game in some decks. So that's the reverse problem, making the tutors for such "banish" cards a necessity.

Having some experience with Yu Gi Oh as well (don't be ashamed, it's actually a pretty complex CCG with a lot of interesting archetypes), I can say that Gwent generally has far simpler card effects and actually, problematic cards are much easier to outright remove. This approach has its pros, notably that you can build a whole deck based on consistently disrupting the opponent, but also its cons, in that removal is pretty strong in gwent, as it nets you points while also disrupting the opponent's strategy.
About Letho Regis, the only problem is that there is no actual counterplay.

The counterplay is not passing early and forcing your opponent to play either Letho or Regis. Incidentally, Arachas Queen works wonders too.
The counterplay is not passing early and forcing your opponent to play either Letho or Regis. Incidentally, Arachas Queen works wonders too.

See that's not a counterplay. That's a workaround. A counterplay would be a card you can play after letho is dropped to reliably shut down the combo but aside from the Arachas Queen there isn't much in the way of that. If you suspect Letho Regis though you can work around it by forcing it out in a long round or just leaving the opponent with nothing but the combo in a short round, either way works. Those are workarounds, not counterplays. The only actual counterplay is the Arachas Queen and it's a leader so it's not reliable enough.
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