Back to the game: problem with black window

Hi everybody.

I am having a problem that is getting a little tired.

I returned with interest to play the game after a year without playing, and now when entering the game, the following happens:

1º Projekt'red CD screen appears.
2º The screen of "gwent the witcher card game" appears with Geralt and Ciri face to face in the background (and the hourglass loading down to the right).
3º A screen with a random card appears, so you can see its effects.

And just at this moment, the screen turns black. The music continues to sound.

Search online and I saw that it was a frequent problem, I looked through the forum and entered the post "frequently reported bugs".

There I decided on this link thinking it was my problem:

And seeing that some people had worked, delete this folder:

C: \ Users *** \ AppData \ LocalLow \ CDProjektRED \ Gwent

After doing so, the resolution of my computer to have GOG Galaxy open is not adequate, you see all the icons as four times larger, and until I deactivate the GOG Galaxy, I do not reverse the situation.

Now I have two problems, and all I want is to play gwent ... = (

I also tried to update drivers, to uninstall and reinstall the game, the GOG ...

Some help?

Windows 10 and radeon r9 series graphics card.

(sorry for my english, and thank you for the help)
What PC do you have? Does it meet the current minimum requirements? You can see the minimum requirements here for example

In case it’s a codec issue perhaps installing the Windows mediafeaturepack can help:

Also make sure to close every other program that is not essential. Including antivirus/antimalware programs or programs like Fraps.

Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling GPU drivers also helps.

Disabling the gog galaxy game overlay can also be worth a try.
i got the same Problem since yesterday. Until Friday I could play gwent normally and now i can not get past the loading screen.
I tried to delete thist folder:
C: \ Users *** \ AppData \ LocalLow \ CDProjektRED \ Gwent
I used the shrotcut from the support site:
But the folder does not exist.
I reinstalled the game twice and no change.
Please some advice and thanks for yout help
i got the same Problem since yesterday. Until Friday I could play gwent normally and now i can not get past the loading screen.
I tried to delete thist folder:
C: \ Users *** \ AppData \ LocalLow \ CDProjektRED \ Gwent
I used the shrotcut from the support site:
But the folder does not exist.
I reinstalled the game twice and no change.
Please some advice and thanks for yout help

I did mention a few suggestions in this thread. Also, if you reinstall the game make sure you remove everything first. Just search your Computer for Gwent and you‘ll find all the relevant Gwent folders (probably also the folder you mentioned).

But as mentioned before, it‘s also possible that another program is interfering with Gwent. So definitely close everything that is not essential.
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