Balance suggestion using Magic Compass

Deck is named golden nekker pirates although it doesn't have that much pirates.It is just a combination of pointslam and control in a way that forms well.
They can destroy all of your threads and be ahead like thirty points.They can have a good long round against pointslam decks thanks to scenario from compass or whatever they want from compass that is usefull in that situation.You have big finisher and don't have last say?They can kambi you.You have a card with pretty big base power?They can hym you.You have deck that relies on swarm?They can swalblod you and so on.What is more in some cases that versatility causes even more points.Because you have to play around things like kambi,hym and take suboptimal plays.Compass does have a limitation but golden nekker negates that so with only 4 thinning card you can activate it.I am surprised that this deck doesn't see so much play.And I am astonished by it didn't get a nerf,conversely buffed with axel and kraken.So time to finally fix that before it gets to late.
Here is an idea that I have with changing compass:

Basically you can't play a card that has more provisions than your highest prov card.And I think 2 or 3 prov buff is necessary because thinning outside of golden nekker a bit expensive.

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I don't think it needs any provision buff. The "up to the provision cost of the highest card in your starting deck" requirement would be perfectly reasonable without any other changes at all. Another option would be to make "spawn and play" bit work like every other spawn and play card in the game: give it 3 random options to choose from, instead of giving them a free pick of literally any gold card in the faction.
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