BBC NEWS article.

BBC NEWS article.

For those of you who like to look at the bigger picture from time to time, take a look at BBC's article on how the gaming industry fares when pitched against abstract and far flung ideas such as globalisation and regional identity.Few quotes below:"The gaming industry may span the globe but attempts to homogenise what it produces may end up killing creativity. [.] What doesn't so often get discussed is the benefit that cultivating regional identities could bring.[...] if there weren't studios in Warsaw and Kiev, we almost certainly wouldn't have game projects inspired by film-maker Andrei Tarkovsky (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.) or writer Andrzej Sapkowski (The Witcher)."
EXCELLENT article! Thanks...(and kudos for the mention, CDPR)"Think of the extraordinary range of subjects, styles and structures you find in the "world cinema" section of a decent video store, and imagine what would happen if we could apply the same diversity to gaming"Huzzah!
yes, that article speaks from the bottom of my heart.but after 30 years I would say: NO, it's too late. Games were conceived as pure, dumb entertainment from the get-go and are being streamlined and dumbed down more and more every day, the more money the gaming industry makes, the less innovative and diverse gaming gets. With movies it was different: the medium itself was perceived as being capable of producing art from day one.Gaming never even tried. Of course there are good games and good stories but they reach mainstream-movie quality at best. there are no David Lynchs or Ingmar Bergmans in gaming. most of the time it's only Michael Bay and Tony Scott. If it get's really good you get a little Steven Spielberg. but certainly no Billy Wilder or JohnHouston or Jules Dassin or whatever.that's the only reason I'm getting TheWitcher, because it's a clear and established character from an polish fantasy author and the game goes for diversity in characters and gameworld. and that's why I WANT the original POLISH EDITION + ENGL. SUBTITLES.the only way you can enjoy foreign cinema !!!! never settle for a mediocre dub !
The Witcher being mentioned in that BBC article as a welcomed example for diversity proofs that CDPR is on the right way with this game.Interesting artcle btw ;)
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