Best Quality of Life Change Ever!

This change passed unstated in the developer’s 9.1 patchnotes, but it is the best quality of life change since I started playing a year and a half ago. Now one can play unranked without having to remember to keep pressing the vs human button between games. Yea! Thank you CDPR.
I'll hop on the appreciation train and mention something I believe was added as well and I was pleasantly surprised: the border effects surrounding the various menu options. Can't make it justice just by complimenting it, but I linger a little bit more on the main menu. These effects are amazing!

PS: On the off chance these effects were there already for some time and I noticed 'em just now, then this post is embarrassing.

On the off chance these effects were there already for some time and I noticed 'em just now, then this post is embarrassing.
Not a bit of it. The effect is, indeed, new. I noticed the change earlier today. Up until this last patch, the borders were still the classic aethereal green. As partial as I am to green, the fresh look is quite attractive. Personally, I think it'd be rather interesting if the effects changed with each expansion.
It was only a matter of time; I remember it was asked about during one TWiG, and Burza said something that indicated they were going to fix it.
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