Blackbough shopkeeper icon( but also merchants in general). This can't be right?

Blackbough shopkeeper icon( but also merchants in general). This can't be right?

'Tis a minor thing, but with a few stating that their game is ruined and whatnot I might as well contribute. To the bug list that is, because I honestly love this game!! :happy:

In Blackbough there is a shopkeeper icon on minimap(not game map) that indicate a shopkeeper present in the middle of the village. Ergo two shopkeepers on minimap. The 'false' one is next to a somewhat rundown cart. A bug I guess, or is there supposed to be another shopkeeper there?

Perhaps this bug is in other places as well, but I've only seen it there.

Also merchants in general.

Since patch 1.05 merchants sported a lot(!) more variety in goods, just as devs stated in the patch list. All kinds of new weapons and goodies to choose from. Unfortunately this bliss didn't last.

Talk to a merchant the first time and yes, there is a lot of variety regarding goods. You better buy what you can then and there, because when you visit them the second time however, everyone in the village seems to have either bought or ransacked every merchants inventory.

Seriously, visit him a second time and a blacksmith may offer only two weapons and only lesser runes, in comparison to the vast inventory he offered last time around, immediately after patch.

This can't be right, can it?

Also, merchants held on to sold goods longer. I liked that. But now, if you sell it, it's gone. I understand that some of it is gone, but not all of it...and almost immediately. :(

As I said, 'tis a minor thing but please look at this devs, and know that I am so happy with this game! Love you devs! :happy:

Oh, and thanks for fixing keypad issues! You really listen to gamers! :thumbsup: I have the utmost :respect: for you!
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From what I've seen merchant inventory is randomly generated every time you talk to one - they usually sell the same-ish things (armour, swords, etc) but equipment stats and level requirements change during each conversation. Have you tried talking to the same vendor multiple times in a row?
From what I've seen merchant inventory is randomly generated every time you talk to one - they usually sell the same-ish things (armour, swords, etc) but equipment stats and level requirements change during each conversation. Have you tried talking to the same vendor multiple times in a row?

:yes Yes, yes I have. In a row, after five minutes, what have you. Same-ish goods but weapons are mostly gone. So what I'm saying is that the same merchants, who prior patch didn't present much, suddenly got an extensive surplus of goods post patch. Weapons galore. Yet then when I revisit them much of these weapons and goods are gone. Now they sport only lesser runes and perhaps a blackjack, whereas before they sold swords and greater runes.

Well, at least I found out about the 'false' shopkeeper icon in Blackbough. It's a traveling merchant. He's there now, and so is an shopkeeper icon on both maps(not only minimap). I guess when he's gone off only minimap shopkeeper icon will linger.
I also have an icon of a shopkeeper in the middle of blackbough without an actual merchant there.. I wonder if this prevents me from getting all the gwent cards, considering you get a new one each time you beat a different merchant. Furthermore the blacksmith in blackbough will not speak to me anymore.. (there is no A prompt above his head when i stand next to him) which is pretty annoying and also prevents me from getting his gwent card.. Awesome game though, best one ive played in years!!
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