[Bug] Cards which resurrected by Experimental Remedy doesn't trigger some of the abilities

I'm not sure is it exist before but right now there is a problem on Expermental Remedy. It resurrects and plays that card. Deploy effects doesn't have a problem but effects like harmony etc doesn't be triggered. I tried this on a Harmony unit, harmony unit doesn't boosted itself. Also I tried this on Elven Swordmaster, I resurrected a Elf unit after dealing damage, it doesn't decreased the cooldown timer. It happened same on Nekurat too. I haven't get any chance to try this bug on other cards but might have some other bugged interactions.

That could lose some of the matches, this is why this must be fixed so fast.
Mmmmm... indeed this is serious, another bug that is annoying is "Thrive" units not boosting when you play a higher power card, i don't know how long that has been a thing but yeh it is equally annoying.

Cheers to ya mate for finding the bug and testing it, i hope it gets fixed. :beer:
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