Bug in novigrad.

There is a group of bandits in novigrad right in front of the Nowhere inn that continuously attack some other npc, after I attack the enemy I can run his health all the way down but he doesn't die, ever, they will always be attaching this guy and I can't get into the Nowhere Inn, in turn I can't complete the Following the Thread quest because I can't get into the bar.
On PC it would be easier (you can install a mod for the debug console and just enter a code to kill all enemies in sight - unfortunately that's not possible on PS4).

If loading earlier save games doesn't help (before you entered that part of the map and started fighting with the bandits), maybe it's best to contact support: http://en.cdprojektred.com/contact-support/
Are you running any mods, or have you ever used any in the past?
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