[BUG] Megabuilding H11 issues

The quick travel icon for Megabuilding H11 is mislabeled as "Megabuilding H10" on the map. (V's own separate building is labeled "Megabuilding H10: Atrium" on the map.)

The gig mission "Catch a Tyger's Toe" takes place in the server room of that building. There is a door that I was unable to force open at the time. I intended to come back later and force it open, but the elevator no longer takes me down there—pressing the button does nothing. If this is intentional, then the elevator should probably not display the server room as a destination option after scanning me when I step in. (If I had known the room was no longer accessible, I would have put my points elsewhere.)
I think thet fixed the typo problem because i am on xbox one S and my fast travel point is correctly labelled as Megabuilding H11. As for the elevator its intentional. I made the same mistake as you and did the quest early on so could not force open the door at the time. Wanted to come back just to realize it won't let me back me. I think you have a very small timeframe for when you can go back in. For example i realized as soon as i was done that side quest it let me back in and i even left the building came back and it still let me in. But after i completed act 1 and met johnny silverhand i came back and I was locked out of there. Pretty sure you are not missing anything important. Seems like if there is a data shard in there chances are you already read it or you can find the same one somewhere else. And apart from anything else my guess is its just eurodollars in there which by the time i came back i had 80,000 anyway so you are not missing out on that and i imagine its just components and junk which you can find everywhere as well. So my guess is theres nothing special or noteworthy in there.
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