BUGS or FEATURES: Holster Weapon and Goodbye/Bye at stores

BUG 01. Most games (RPG/FPS) have a "holster weapon" function and Cyberpunk 2077 could really benefit from that function too, immersion and all that.
BUG 02. In games where the PC (player) chat with NPC's/Vendors there is a "bye" or "goodbye" option to finalize the discussion/transaction. In Cyberpunk 2077 it does not exist and makes for lot of creepy moments when the PC have to back away to "quit" the chat while it's not actually ended. This must seriously be resolved ASAP.
Fix 01
You have a button to open the weapon wheel, right?
Well, if you press that button twice, you'll holster your weapon.
The feature is there, but not well explained. :)

Fix 02
Well, there's no fix for that. (yet?)
I'm pretty sure performance issues all across the board are a priority for CDPR rather than say, awkward staring moments with the shopkeep/NPC.
Maybe the shopkeep/NPC likes those moment with you, the player.
Together in silence, but craving for more conversation. Or shopping.
Thanks a lot for an explanation on issue 01. Will help a lot until a more fluid "hide weapon" feature is implemented.
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