Can we get back the classic Gwent music?

In the early days, if I remember correctly, there was the option to switch between classic Gwent music (from WItcher 3) and the battle music. Now we only have the battle music. I can understand why the music wouldn't fit the setting, and I know I can play youtube-playlists in the background
But giving the option shouldn't really be a big problem.
It would be nice atleast.
They're planning to bring back old music in the future, but it's not an easy task.

From This Week in GWENT:

Q: Updating music during matches?
A: Not right now, but there are plans for music. Will take time though. Plans to bring back the old music, but that requires reworking it to work with the new version of the game.

Q: Adding old music back in?
A: Planned, but requires a lot of work.
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