Can we not name our characters??



Forum regular

So I'm already a few hours in, and I didn't recall an option to name my character. I get that in the game our character will always be referred to as V, but without custom first and/or last names, it is very hard to tell between different playthroughs, doubly so when there is not a separation of tabs.

Just pointing this out. This was a minor problem for me because CP2077 is the first RPG where I could customize my characters but not their names. Even in very old games like Mass Effect, where you'd always be called Commander Shepard, you still get to name him/her.
While it might be nice for one's own "immersion" to put a name, given how the focus is on your nickname, it wouldn't matter much anyway.

It might not have hurt to put that option in at the character editor, even if it was meaningless in terms of how people addressed you in terms of voice over (could have an effect in written reports or communication, however).
By the way... Since it's a single player, why would you want to rename your character? If I'm not wrong, the main character is supposed to be "us".
In the first mission (in the Corpo background) we see a file for V and on the file they are listed as:

V. Nothing else for the first name, so I wonder if that's just their name...
Naming characters is alwasy been useless. They are never called by names given by the player (except in the prologue of Fallout 4).
Doesn't a save distinct by life path, corpo, nomad etc?
Why name something that has a name, kinda understand why its not in the game.
Name your character in your brain... You are a named character in a story that you participate in. That character in this story is named V.
That's kind of how my brain processes it too tbh. Like, in-game we're V, that's our nickname, our street name, then we have the name we know.
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