Can you please bring back this [Avatar Taunts]

In game we have a option to make comments to our opponent. Before characters on your avatar would make that comment but now it depends on leader you are using.

Can you make it possible to chose between leader or avatar characters. I want my badass Geralt voice back and not some lines like "..." or something said on elvish that I or my opponents dont even understand.
Not going to happen. I'm not fond of new leader banters too, but your suggestion to go back to OBT features and stop near some middle-ground doesn't feel wholesome. From the outside this situation will look as if the studio still doesn't have an understanding of what they want to do with the game.

However it seems to me that 3d leaders can be gone as a hole in the future. Leaders doesn't seem to work as planned - i don't know statistics, but would assume that people are not excited about leader skins, so for now we've only seen one. Why would you keep a feature that don't seem to justify it's existence and only making development of a new leaders longer - card art, animated card art, 3d mesh, rig, animations, 2 skins.
And lots of people don't like new banters binded to leaders.

Before HC I imagined cosmetic items in new Gwent as some trinkets a player could buy or earn - both players sit at the table (or any other solid surface), playing cards, and can have something in the corner of their screen - a sword, beer mug, magic trinket, lute, jar with a trapped wisp, etc - all interactive to some extend. I would imagine this kind of approach to cosmetics be much more beneficial and popular as it provides diverse items for players to get.
{QUOTE]In game we have a option to make comments to our opponent. Before characters on your avatar would make that comment but now it depends on leader you are using.

Can you make it possible to chose between leader or avatar characters. I want my badass Geralt voice back and not some lines like "..." or something said on elvish that I or my opponents dont even understand. [/QUOTE]

I second this^! I was disappointed when i realized they removed that feature

Its also a way to generate income from "voicepacks". I think the issue might be that it would make creating new character icons too much work? Not sure why they made rank give character icons now instead of borders? Borders were quite alright.
Maybe just have a few charactericons with unique voicepacks so the people who want to use them can use them instead of the gibberish or quite frankly underwhelming leader comments (Like crach having 5 buttons to yell AN CRAITE in a different tone of voice)?

Just monetize them and make a few good ones. And bring back the old ones because why not. RIP having fun content.
whO tAUghT yoU To FiGht LikE ThiS???
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Why not enable both?
Hero can emote and floating head in a box can represent the opponent ...? Gwent isn't canon anyway so who cares if it's odd.

People still have option to mute and those who enjoy emoting back and forth can have more. Of course this would require new lines for the new avatars but why not
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