Can't discard Enhanced Draconid Oil

Can't discard Enhanced Draconid Oil


I'm playing the game on PS4, disk format. Finished the base game, as well as Hearts of Stone in their entirety. Plan on starting Blood and Wine soon.

I have noticed a small problem (bug? whatever you want to call it) and that is that, during some quest in the game (can't remember which), I must have gotten an Enhanced Draconid Oil from some other character, as a part of the quest. The thing is, I'm pretty sure that, by then, I already had a Superior Draconid Oil in my inventory. Now, I have both the Superior and the Enhanced versions
The same thing happened when, during some quest(s), I got some inferior versions of bombs that I already had, but I solved the problem easily by discarding the inferior bomb versions.
But, for some reason, when I try to discard the Enhanced Draconid Oil nothing happens. I still get a message asking me if I'm sure that I want to discard and that will mean the destruction of the item, but, when I confirm that I do want to discard it, nothing happens.

To sum up, I already have a Superior Draconid Oil and I don't want an inferior version of it taking up space in my inventory.

It would be nice if this bug could be addressed in a future patch.

Thanks in advance!
I've encountered this issue as well, on PC though.

It doesn't bother me.
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You get the enhanced draconid oil in Kaer Morhen while hunting the forktail together with Eskel. The oil is in Eskel's campsite on the floor or in a bag.

Just ignore it, it shouldn't weigh anything. :)

Alternately, throw your Superior Draconid Oil away, then brew another Superior Draconid Oil based on Eskel's enhanced draconid oil. Do that only if you have all the materials for the superior oil!

I had two basic Grapeshots in my inventory last playthrough for unknown reasons, too. Confused me quite a bit ("why didn't I ever find enhanced or superior recipes for Grapeshots? Uh, but there are my superior Grapeshots."), but didn't do any harm, either.
I accidently picked up a bomb from the npc you can kill or let live at the end of the quest "following the thread". It was a lesser version to the one I had but I couldn't drop it. I then dropped my superior version hoping I could use the lesser one to create a new bomb, this infact did work, but it still created two bombs the lesser version again plus the superior.
Moral of the story, don't pick up any oils or bombs .
It irked me something awful as the inventory is already laggy and cluttered as hell.
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