Cards that don't affect the battlefield, ask you to select battlefield as target

This is a dumb thing, that has costed me a couple games, I know they are just newbie mistakes, but it could be avoided easily with the right mechanics.
So, I was playing an AQ deck, which used renew, I had it as one of my last 2 cards, then when I go to renew a glustyworp or dormant, does not matters, I play the card, and asks me to select a target on the battlefield, I instinctively, chose the graveyard, since its a card that selects one card from the graveyard, not from the battlefield, so the card was discarded... game over, that actually happened twice to me...
There are other cards that don't affect the battlefield, like tutors, but you need to select the battlefield to play them, it seems dumb, and I'm pretty sure those kind of errors can happen you just a few times in your life, but could be avoided easily, if a card, has no target in battlefield, make it playable by double click or something like that...
I can see your point, but that would work against the logic of actually discarding cards. How do you suggest to fix this?
I suggest that to you a tutor (from graveyard or deck), you double click on the card at hand, and then the deck or graveyard opens with the viable options, and you don't need to select battlefield first.
Or maybe discard the cards with right click, discard option... something like that, where you are actively selecting to do something counter intuitive...
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