CDProjekt Red Devs Hope you read this.

Dear Developers of Cyberpunk 2077,

I am writting this lettre to say to you that your latest game “Cyberpunk 2077” is a good, immersive, exciting game. I already spend 70 hours playing it. Though I have some advice to give you an inside what this fan “me” thinks what would be good to make this fun game even better.

  1. Improvements for the game:

  1. Better Police: Police chases and police who doesn’t spawn in your location , but comes to you “the player” by transport like a flying car.
  2. Customize your car: like paint jobs, auto tuning and weapons on your car ( weapons would be necessary to fight the police or others gangs who are chasing you with there cars).
  3. Buying houses and rooms in the world that you could decorate.
  4. Bounty Hunters who would look for you when you escaped the police with four stars.
  5. More music

  1. Ideas for expansions: little expansions and big expansions:

  1. Legal jobs: working in a diner, cab driver, cleaning, join the police, join the firefighters, join Trauma team( this one is very nice).
  2. Other areas: go to space with the space shuttle that is in night city (ofcourse you must pay the ticket) to go for exemple to the casino in space. Or maybe Mars.
  3. New stories: Stories with a lot of different outcomes.
  4. Animals: Pets and wild or mutated animals.
  5. Travelling: Going with the bus, cab, train, metro, ship, plane, space shuttle.

These are my ideas to help you with further development of this really good game, despite the bugs.


Benjamin Verniers
here’s a list of needed improvements/features over the coming months/years to take this game from a 6 or 7/10 to the 9/10 we were promised:

  • Police – First responders / Vehicle response / SWAT response / Air response / Active chase
  • Civilians – Varied reactions to player actions, not just crouch in terror or jump away from or in front of your moving vehicle
  • Gangs – More diverse reactions and behaviours. Distinct abilities from gang to gang / less standing still / gang chases, etc.
  • Vehicles – Cars should drive around obstacles, like the players car or other vehicles
  • Bikes – Let’s see motorbikes as well as cars. Just imagine gangs on motorcycles that you should either avoid or gun down
  • Medics – When a civilian is injured, a small chance for an ambulance to spawn
  • Barber/Hairdressers – Or at the very least, using your apartment mirror to edit hair/makeup
  • Car shops – Customise your vehicle and buy vehicle variants. Could be used as well as the random quest marker leading to a new car in the middle of nowhere
  • Travel options – What happened to the train line? Or taxi’s? The infrastructure is there but the feature's gutted
  • Merchants - More interactive shops; there are tons of shop keepers with no interactivity. Even sitting/eating/drinking prompts would be an improvement here.
  • Mini-games – they aren’t the most important thing and we will probably only mess with them a few times, but just knowing “activities” exist somewhere adds to the immersion.
  • Weather – We were promised dynamic weather, rain, dust storms, fog, etc. but in 70+ hours of gameplay, I’ve seen rain twice and one scripted dust storm. Where’s the weather? And the acid rain? And NPC's sheltering because of the rain?
  • Dynamic world events – There are shootouts and random voice lines here and there, but what about actual world events that briefly transform an area?
  • Map development – The city is big and beautiful but the Badlands is heavily under-developed
  • Life paths - A more in-depth story for each of the life paths? A 10-20 minute intro before divergence is not what was promised. Even tweaking the quest chain to encourage the player to do story missions in their life path area would be an improvement here. E.g. The Nomad life path begins with a chain of side quests in the Badlands prior to meeting Jackie. Something went very, very wrong in development here; uploaded only 4 months ago
  • Braindance – Let us use Braindance’s outside of the main story? Or create a whole new type of braindance side quest? Being a feature in this episode seems pointless in highsight
  • Cut characters - Deeper development of certain slimmed down characters, e.g. Meredith Stout
  • Show me, me - More opportunities to view your character in the open world; cut scenes or...
  • Mirrors – V is for Vampire? Let mirrors work in the open world (probably deactivated due to how derpy V looks in third person – see shadows)
  • Apartment progression – upgrade over time / acquire new apartments as you progress
  • Weapon wall - Display custom weapons – not just legendary's - on the apartment wall
  • Wardrobe – A visual area in V’s apartment to try out new gear
  • Garage/storage area - To admire cars/bikes!
  • Preview clothing items - Before equipping/purchase
  • Hide items from view - E.g. Hat/mask/glasses/etc.
  • Select multiple items
  • Favourite items
  • More item stat variety
  • Item labels - Per gang/style?
  • Item sets - Something to work towards?
  • Improved weapon modding - Editing mods without needing to equip the weapon
  • Item limits/stacks - A limit on certain items (unlimited healing inhalers seems broken?)
  • Radio UI - Display station / artist / song
  • Car handling - Slightly improve “stickiness”/handling with some cars
  • More diverse weapons
  • Dismemberment - Properly implement dismemberment a la trailers of old? Perhaps I still haven't found the right gun type to simulate this type of carnage? (Let me know!)
  • Vehicle combat Shoot weapons from vehicles outside of story/side quests
  • Getting new Cyberware - Not just for the first time
  • Purchasing a car
  • Getting a new weapon
These should all feel like significant satisfying progressive moments... a sense of pride and accomplishment

  • “Loot all” option
  • Loot through bodies/other items – Can’t loot certain items due to angles/bugs/surfaces
  • Minimap zoom options - Zoom out proportional to driving speed
  • More customisation options for QoL
I hope they just start from where they left off before when making the game go gold(when was that??.. probably mid/late-Nov) and putting it out in the street. CD PROJECT RED, just resume where you left off from there...

Forget spending so much manpower and development-power on hotfixes, patches, updates, etc. MOST of that work should be continuing to build the game to a 'complete' version of itself. Something I think both the game designers and players wanted in the beginning, before the pressures of unfair deadlines, unhealthy threats from selfish gamers, paranoia of thinking the world's constantly wondering "why is it taking so long" & COVID-19.

So what if it takes til next year or longer. I rather play a game of how it's meant to be. Something the game-makers over there will not be ashamed of, but proud of.

Think we players can wait. Rather have that than a 'next-gen' upgrade of it on my PS5 or Xbox Series X that's coming from a broken, incompletion of game.

What are you worried about now?
...your dignity?

Gone. Now get it back.
How you wanted it in the first place.
"Don't you want a little piece of the glory. See what it tastes like" -(Nacho Libre)
You should for this game and all the hype you generated.


Get in those cubicles or home offices and close yourself off from world and get back to work!

have nothing left to lose.
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There was some rumors that CDPR doesn't really have a sufficient fund to make this ambitious world. Now that they saw how much people anticipated and bought this game, they probably haven't expected that it will just paid all the development cost in less than 1 week including the refunds.

I mean its a Singleplayer RPG Game and doesn't generate much income unlike microtransaction Multiplayer. If this were the reason why they cutting their features & proper development then why CDPR didnt release the Multiplayer of the game first instead? I wouldn't hesitate to support Cyberpunk 2077 Online if its on the right track just like how Rockstar Games markets their consumers (no bugs, complete feature and future updates). CDPR really need to make an Online Multiplayer that will juice out the money of their consumers just like how Rockstar did to 2013 game GTA 5, which is until today still making money.

But for a Singleplayer? And now we have to wait for its update by paying cut feature DLC's? That's looking like a bad move for the future of the franchise if they really going to gamble that marketing when new games keep coming nowadays.

Here's my take, if Cyberpunk 2077 Multiplayer and GTA 6 w/ Online will be release in the same year (3 to 4 year or so) then Good luck for fellow CDPR employers taking that challenge to compete with GTA.

Better fix Cyberpunk 2077 what players expected and release all its dlc by the end 2021 so you guys can release the Multiplayer in 2022.
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It would be great if you can buy or craft iconic Items. I accidently sold my iconic weapons with the plan to craft them later in the game. I didn't know you need to have the original weapon to use the blueprints
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At this point I would settle for a light amplification doodad in my hitech cyber eye. Can't see shit and cranking up gamma makes the game look less than stellar.
People are complaining that the game isn't like it was advertised by William Gibson ;-)

Promotional video by CDPR says they are making a fully immersive open world experience, with NPC all doing their different daily rountine. Mega multi level buildings that we can actually go in.

What a bunch of lies.

You know what we got, police AI can only chase you on foot, they can't even drive because they lack the driving AI. Hence it is why they spawn right around you when you commit a crime, because they can't drive and show up on a scene.

Background NPC walking in circle, and if you turn away your camera, they will randomly vanish.

Have you notice no NPC actually rides the motorbikes? Because they only barely finish the shitty driving vehicle AI for NPC, they have no AI control for bikes, motorbikes, skating and other traveling means, heck, if you put a car in front of them, they just freeze.

With all their implant powers, no one runs, jumps or does anything special, they just walk around and around...

Try driving a car or throwing a grenade into water, no sound, no water splashing, no interaction between water and object, probably forgot about that part.
All the pubs and food vendors sells the same items, you can't gamble, do mini games, no random quests, all quests and crime spot are predetermined.

If they are just want a game with good story, they can just make a game similar to Last of US and God of War 4.
Where the story just focus on the main character.
Making a good story and a shit standard open world experience, calling it "next-gen" fully immersive open world experience.
That's just fuking lies.
I would say...
1. Auto loot all within x radius from player toggle in options
2. Quick save/quick load unless I missed those key bindings somewhere

You can Quicksave with F5! There's no quickload tho.

On-topic tho - Most suggestion threads already talked about lots of features I'd wanna have added!

My most wanted feature is more FashionWare tho. And a Barber and a Ripperdoc that let's me change stuff about my boooody!

EDIT: Me stoopid.
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This video deserves 3830483947294 million views. Imagine a 2004 game being more immersive than a game released in 2020.....

oh wait

Tbh to ME this game is way more immersive than GTA ever was, by multiple magnitudes! But you know what they say about personal preferences, eh? ;)
Tbh to ME this game is way more immersive than GTA ever was, by multiple magnitudes! But you know what they say about personal preferences, eh? ;)

do they say "then you don't know the definition of immersion?" Yes the world is very captivating, it's beautiful. It's great to walk around and just look at things. I'm a futuristic nerd. If I had more consistent frames and less nonsense bugs, I could walk around in cyberpunk for hours.

The problem is (ignoring side quests and story) That's literally where the "immersion" of this game ends. There is literally nothing else to do. besides walk around. and figure out new ways to climb stuff. And if you argue that what I just said isn't true, well then...

edit: Finding a way to jump through walls and break the game while climbing up to V's hidden skyscraper loft thing is literally the most exciting thing i've done outside the story.
...yea, and about commitment bias and the sunken cost falacy. ;)

Shame on you for making me google stuff I don't understand o_O

But uhm! Only time is gonna tell how much commitment this game is gonna get along the line. I am, however very much committed! Or is THAT the bias?

My main bug right now is the Delamain quest on Series x. I can not accept the phone call when entering the search area for the cars. And some cars speeding on the highway crash into barriers.
Shame on you for making me google stuff I don't understand o_O

But uhm! Only time is gonna tell how much commitment this game is gonna get along the line. I am, however very much committed! Or is THAT the bias?

It is... can't really blame ya, though, it still is a very pretty/charming train wreck. ;)
Quick save can be done with F5
No quick load, though, which is... WTF!?
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