Change the way cards are ordered in the deck builder

I don’t know if I’m the only one who doesn’t like the way cards are ordered in the deck builder.

Currently, cards are ordered by provisions first (which is good) and with stratagems above all other cards, but then the sub-ordering is bad. After provisions, they’re then ordered by colour, and then finally by card type (and then by power if they’re units). I think it should be the other way around with those two, colour coming after card type, and within card type, I don’t think specials and artifacts should come before units (does anyone else find that counter-intuitive?).

It means cards are ordered as such: Gold specials, Gold artifacts, Gold units, Bronze specials, Bronze artifacts, and then Bronze units (within the same provision cost)

I think colour ordering should come after card type ordering, and that the order of types should be reversed (Unit, Artifact, Special rather than Special, Artifact, Unit). That would make the order: Gold units, Bronze units, Gold artifacts, Bronze artifacts, Gold specials, and Bronze specials (all at the same provisions).

I think it would be easier since it keeps all cards of the same type together rather than separated.

And also as a last note, I think an additional sub-ordering should be added. As it is, after cards are ordered by Provisions, Colour, and then Card type (and then by Power if they’re units), the cards are then in what appears to be random sequence. I think adding alphabetical ordering for all cards of the same provisions, colour, and type would be an improvement to this. For a lot of cards with smaller subsections (especially for higher-provision cards), it’s not a big deal. But for cards with a big pool, for example 4-, 3-, and 2-power 4-provisions bronze units, there are upwards of twenty or so cards for each power level, and without it being alphabetical, it can be annoying looking for where Squirrel and Pellar are for example.

Anyways just wanted to give my thoughts on how I think the ordering in the collection could be made better. Thanks for reading
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