Changes to weather: Aglais

How can anyone claim that Aglais is weak, given that she is present in every single ST deck? Are all ST players masochists, deliberately fielding a weak card, or what?
eillinggel;n7568340 said:
No,it's unfair.Because the Griffin stole my special card and aglais had none to play .She became useless..

Unfair is the advantage ST has right now. Play all other factions and maybe you'll understand the problem.
No, changing Aglais back to how she initially was is not the best idea.
rams142857;n7569480 said:
How can anyone claim that Aglais is weak, given that she is present in every single ST deck? Are all ST players masochists, deliberately fielding a weak card, or what?

Personally, I don't think Aglais is weak. At all.

In my case, what I'm saying is that some changes were done in the palace for the sake of balance.
An archetype in particular was very weak against weather, so some tweaks were made. In the future, that archetype will laugh at weather, so it only makes sense that those tweaks were reverted.

nestalim;n7568640 said:
Opening her ability to other factions is even harder to balance.
You can already do that with Nature's Gift. Just saying...
Is nothing new.

Tamacountry13;n7568790 said:
Honestly though I feel the Devs are going to make Aeromancy Fleeting like Decoy and Commanders Horn.
Honest question, why?
Apparently, weather in general is not going to be a problem at all. Why would you want to new something that is already weak?
For example, imagine that Commander's horn would only double green strength and not base strength, would you weaken the card even more.
Is a bad example cause dwarves and most monsters can still do great use of it, but you get what I'm saying...

TheWalkingHawking;n7569270 said:
I don't know who you are but I'm glad to meet you.
Self wounding Skellige and Henselt golden buff are my favourite strategies in this game.
I want my 'ol bears back...

You know, I also thought that the new changes to weather could help this strategy.
If I play a few young berserks and 2 axemen, then I play White Frost or rag nar, then play clear skies in the ranged row... the axemen should pretty strong by then, right? One of the first things I want to check...

TheWalkingHawking;n7569270 said:
Yeah, at the end of the day, all what I'm doing is speculation.
As I said, I think they changed Aglais for X reason, now that those X reasons are gone, would be nice to see her reverted to her old self. BUT we also have to take into account that there might be more changes than those that we know, and that other cards could be affected, etc, etc.
rams142857;n7569480 said:
How can anyone claim that Aglais is weak, given that she is present in every single ST deck? Are all ST players masochists, deliberately fielding a weak card, or what?
They must be playing her to tune ST down in order to balance factions :D

Monalba;n7569690 said:
I don't know who you are but I'm glad to meet you.
Self wounding Skellige and Henselt golden buff are my favourite strategies in this game.
I want my 'ol bears back...
Nice to meet you too, i'm playing self-wounding deck with moderate success at rank 12 currently.

Monalba;n7569690 said:
You know, I also thought that the new changes to weather could help this strategy.
If I play a few young berserks and 2 axemen, then I play White Frost or rag nar, then play clear skies in the ranged row... the axemen should pretty strong by then, right? One of the first things I want to check...
Yeah, self-wounding decks will benefit from the new weather system without any doubt, not only because you can benefit from playing weather yourself, but also because Axemen can't get killed by Aard as long as there's at least 1 other unit with in the ranged row with the Axeman, but i guess we will be seeing a lot less weather and more scorchs and Igni after the changes.

Monalba;n7569690 said:
Yeah, at the end of the day, all what I'm doing is speculation.
As I said, I think they changed Aglais for X reason, now that those X reasons are gone, would be nice to see her reverted to her old self. BUT we also have to take into account that there might be more changes than those that we know, and that other cards could be affected, etc, etc.
What i meant with that "+1" was that i was speculating too, we all are, because all we know about the upcoming patch is about the weather system rework, but it will(hopefully) bring a lot more changes.
1) All special silver cards should become Fleeting. Aglais is still OP because she can replay very strong effects up to 3 times (with Eithne)

2) Replaying bronze special cards from both graveyards is a totally fine ability for a gold card, I'm ok with that.
eillinggel;n7568340 said:
No,it's unfair.Because the Griffin stole my special card and aglais had none to play .She became useless..

Unfair and Aglais in the same sentence?. I will tell you what is unfair about Aglais:

it is unfair that i have to spend 2 griffins to counter one aeromancy.
it is unfair that i must first play FL because if i steal first, nature's giift will create another aeromancy ( not another single weather) and 2 specials cards. or worst, yaevinn will be plated, kill all my creatures and be left at 1 str
it is unfair that while i play FL aglais can step in and replay aeromancy in another row
it is unfair that silver special cards, which are limited to 1 of each per deck, can be played 3 to 6 times in a game by ST players.
it is unfair that when a monster player sacrifices 3 card spots on his deck trying to negate these abuse of specials by aglais, they hear the word unfair.

aeromancy aglais abuse is just another instance of how control focused the game has become and how powerful card advantage is: ST players not only have the control weapon in hands: they decide when to play aeromancy, but they also have control over the game to wait until the enemy can not counter it.

as a rank 11 monster player i will not teach how to avoid the miserable and ultimately futile efforts of griffins to counter aglais OP, only say that the solutions exist, are quite simple and do not hurt the overall deck strength of ST.
Monalba;n7569690 said:
Honest question, why?
Apparently, weather in general is not going to be a problem at all. Why would you want to new something that is already weak?
For example, imagine that Commander's horn would only double green strength and not base strength, would you weaken the card even more.
Is a bad example cause dwarves and most monsters can still do great use of it, but you get what I'm saying...
Well one of the Devs over on Reddit have said that it's getting a change. It might be something simple as not spawning a Bronze weather card in the graveyard. It's is getting a change just not sure how
geok1ng;n7570020 said:
Unfair and Aglais in the same sentence?. I will tell you what is unfair about Aglais:

it is unfair that i have to spend 2 griffins to counter one aeromancy.
it is unfair that i must first play FL because if i steal first, nature's giift will create another aeromancy ( not another single weather) and 2 specials cards. or worst, yaevinn will be plated, kill all my creatures and be left at 1 str
it is unfair that while i play FL aglais can step in and replay aeromancy in another row
it is unfair that silver special cards, which are limited to 1 of each per deck, can be played 3 to 6 times in a game by ST players.
it is unfair that when a monster player sacrifices 3 card spots on his deck trying to negate these abuse of specials by aglais, they hear the word unfair.

aeromancy aglais abuse is just another instance of how control focused the game has become and how powerful card advantage is: ST players not only have the control weapon in hands: they decide when to play aeromancy, but they also have control over the game to wait until the enemy can not counter it.

as a rank 11 monster player i will not teach how to avoid the miserable and ultimately futile efforts of griffins to counter aglais OP, only say that the solutions exist, are quite simple and do not hurt the overall deck strength of ST.

Nailed it.
Monalba;n7568030 said:
What would you think of Aglais regaining her old ability to play specials from enemy's GY? I always thought it was a shame to lose this, since it created a lot of curious combinations (like using Promote on your dwarfs)
Or simply the Griffin losing his ability to steal special cards from the enemy GY?
This is the ''softest'' change, but I like the Frightner and I think it would be a shame to lose that synergy.

Way too many OP combinations are enabled by playin enemy special cards, so id say its a No. Besides, the core idea is - buffs are coming into meta, and i might not be able to play my double aeromancy! Well, if you wish to rely on weather to counter something - ok. And i get it, youre ST, so card advantage is natural, as well as the fact that you will cycle your entire deck and find that aglais + aeromancy. What i dont get is - what is wrong from with that combo being countered? "Ow, its a consume monster deck, i have my double aeromancy, thats 2 rounds, i win". Maaay be if you wish to use weather as a control tool, you shall have more than 1 bloody weather card? And if your deck consists of, lets count 3 fist lights, 3 mercenaries, 3 commandoes, a decoy, milva, yaevin... Yep, thats 12 cards dedicated purely to cycling your deck and gaining card advantage. Maybe you're supposed to be lacking in raw power and control tools? And bruteforce decks, such as, idk, monster consume, shall be a pain to deal with?
From reading the forums I think the general consensus is that her artwork needs to be sexier. And then throw in some profanity and bring the grit, filth and poop back to Gwent.

I'm probably in the "No" camp. I didn't think it needed to be changed, but it's still very viable and changing might make it overpowered and then I will have to read a million threads about it, or it might end up worse and I'll have to read a million threads about it.
isnadtochiev;n7575200 said:
Maybe you're supposed to be lacking in raw power and control tools? And bruteforce decks, such as, idk, monster consume, shall be a pain to deal with?

Wish it was like that. Wish it was possible to overpower a control deck. As in: full power decks can be beaten by adding some control, then if you further increase control you will beat the previous deck again - but at some moment the original full power deck will come and sweep the floor with you.

Alas, not only the control tools are too strong for that right now, but also the ST deck-thinning procedure doesn't leave him lacking in power. On the opposite, ST puts a lot of strength on board in a very short time with the loop (both from mercenaries and commandos and from occasional vanguard, the only 9 pts bronze card in the game).

However, as everybody plays ST, everybody puts some anti-ST tools into his deck and some anti-ST strategy into his head. Meaning that the poor ST players are meeting exclusively with opponents ready to meet them, which is the real reason for all this Buff Milva, Buff Aglais crying. Meanwhile I (with a hybrid/buff deck) meet the absolute counter to all buff decks in existence (Villentretenmerth + Myrgtabrakke) maybe one time in five. Hey, that's the price of playing the fashionable deck...
LOL, Aglais is last card that need buff, it is best and according to gwentbd by far also most popular Scoia gold. There are lots of other gold card cards that need buff much more.
Completely agree with the general consensus in this thread that Aglais is fine as she is, there are plenty of other cards/factions that need buffing.
OK I was sad when her ability to re-use your opponents cards was removed because it was a lot of fun, but I can understand why they did it.
stridecolossus;n7577800 said:
Completely agree with the general consensus in this thread that Aglais is fine as she is, there are plenty of other cards/factions that need buffing.
OK I was sad when her ability to re-use your opponents cards was removed because it was a lot of fun, but I can understand why they did it.

Isi23_23;n7577330 said:
LOL, Aglais is last card that need buff, it is best and according to gwentbd by far also most popular Scoia gold. There are lots of other gold card cards that need buff much more.

Just to clarify, I'm not talking about Aglais now, but about the future, so yes, just speculation.

Welp, I'm glad to see there is a consensus about Aglais.

Is ok if she doesn't change, I guess people will simply incorporate new cards to their decks.
Welp, we have more info now , 6 days later, aaaaand now I'm more convinced than ever that Aglais could get her old ability back.
In fact, I even think that Decoy could lose the Fleeting tag.
The only reason why it won't happen is because it could create an infinite loop with Aglais, but I feel that could be fixed tweaking Aglais, more than Decoy...

In any case, apparently Aeromancy is fleeting now (I hope I'm wrong) and the new weather mechanics are kind of laughable.
The buff to weather is making Clear skies only clean one row, so it's real strength is using multi-weather cards against people that play in multiple rows, but Aeromancy... weathering one row is pretty weak.
Can be used as a ''last card win'', yeah, but so are many other cards. And it has much less value since spies are weather immune and Card advantage is harder to get (No Decoy).

So, guys, do still think that Aglais having access to enemy GY is OP or did anyone change their mind?
Monalba;n7625570 said:
So, guys, do still think that Aglais having access to enemy GY is OP or did anyone change their mind?
I still think so. The current Aglais is easily the most powerful gold card ST have, no reason to further buff her.
DMaster2;n7625610 said:
current Aglais
I'm talking about future Aglais.

The Aglais that won't have access to Aeromancy (even if it did, the card is nerfed) and probably a smaller pool of special cards, since mercenaries won't be able to cycle trough the deck special cards.
Monalba;n7625710 said:
I'm talking about future Aglais.

The Aglais that won't have access to Aeromancy (even if it did, the card is nerfed) and probably a smaller pool of special cards, since mercenaries won't be able to cycle trough the deck special cards.
Working as intended i should add.
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