Choosing a Film Director for Cyberpunk (2077) movie/show

There is this other director that I didn't mention I was thinking on him today, (as I write this) and I thought to myself "why he didn't come to mind" Steven Spielberg. I mean... he directed and produce a movie call A.I. Artificial Intelligence. I think that goes to show in this hypothetical scenario of who would be "THE" one director to see this through. His methods are top notch. Heck out of the three I mention before, I put him on the top. Haha.

Outside of the ones I mention.

Ridley Scott: A guy who introduced us to sci-fi, and blade Runner. I imagine if we compare the two world of Cyberpunk and Blade Runner, is safe to say that he could be a number one "draft" pick. One of the best movie this guy has done for me was "Gladiator" and "Kingdom of Heaven". The phasing in those movies are very long, and such lets you get familiar with the world so can be understandable. Plots about his movies moves in a slow manner giving room to get familiar with what we are going to get familiar with regarding with what we are going to experience. Sometimes that tends to be too much.

David Fincher: Deal with dark subject matters, seems the true director as well to recreate this world of cyberpunk to a true "T". His storytelling has a strong deceptive methods making viewers connect to what they are seeing to later expose them to a different feeling of what was tough from us as good or true in regards of how the plot has been showcased since the very beginning. Movies like "Seven", "Gone Girl", "The Social Network" and "Fight Club" are those as an example. He plays very good with how the characters are imbedded with the story and its progression is incredibly executed. The recreation he can make with the world of Cyberpunk could be something special in regards of how the story of world events surrounds the main protagonists and his characters if he is at the helm.

Denis Villeneuve: He is quite graphic director. What can be said about this director? Who brought back "Blade Runner" with a strong plot and a philosophical telling of a world that is consume by a life of deception and chaos such as what was shown with "Blade Runner 2049". Or so it seemed for a bit. It was a story that was more centered from the eyes of the main protagonist rather than the eyes from various ensemble of protagonists. Even though the movie felt grandeur in scale and back story. It felt personal. Not what could be expected from a story about a world of Cyberpunk that has an extended lore that intertwine with multiple characters into a one huge plot. His movies like "Arrival", "Sicario" and "Enemy" are one of my favorites, here in this three movies we seen a director that likes to play with confusion and unease. Topics that lets viewers experience his method of storytelling. A world without answers and ambivalence. It kind of go hand in hand with what Cyberpunk represents. Aren't it?

Neill Blomkamp: Director that has play with the idea, "a world based on how a cyber life could be", seems a good option as right? But he seems like he has a lot to learn in regards to what he has done previously to be honest.

Anyhow this is tricky despite all the great directos, it will be interested to know what the owner(s) of the material, would like to see adapted in the silver screen. What his/their vision? Which director could accomplish such method? And if we think about it, more than a director. Who could be a potential writer for the script of the movie. That is something that often is taken out of importance, when we think about who are the one(s) that are part of the backbone of a movie and how the story is portrayed through a camera lense, because such written script. Helping the director and vice versa.

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