Ciri: Dash - How effective is she really?



Ciri: Dash - How effective is she really?

She starts as a 9 strength Gold card. Then if you can replay her, she becomes 12 strength. In this situation, she still isn't that special. Once you replay her a third time (becoming 15 strength), she becomes useful. But how often do you reach the situation where this happens? Or is replaying her twice already enough to justify her?

The only real usage I can think of is discarding her (since the latest patch).
She was and is still moderately useful in decks that were good at thinning out and redrawing cards (Fx. SC Francesca decks). One should not discount the value of getting to play an extra golden card. If you play her at 9 str, she's a bad golden card. If you get to replay her at 12 str, she's very good, since you basically get and extra gold card in your deck. She's not just valuable if you get to play her at 15 str, because even a 12 str golden card, is a lot better than your average bronze card.
Now deck thinning has been toned down since the patch, so I don't know how useful she is anymore. But before the patch, you could (somewhat) reliably play her twice each match, along with all your other golds.
She might be useful too in NG decks, since there are ways to make sure you get certain cards.
I'm using her in my Nilfgaard deck. With cards like Cynthia, Emissaries or Decoy on Cynthia you do some serious deck thinning, and Stefan Skellen & Morvran Voorhis make sure that you get Ciri & won't overdraw your deck. My Ciri hits 15 in 3rd round very often.
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