I have noticed that there are a lot of threads dedicated to discussing single aspects of the game (cars, cyberware, skills, story, night city ect.). I also noticed a sharp divide between those who genuinely enjoyed the game and those who did not. Those who did enjoy the game sometimes belittle those who criticize the game for its flaws and those who didn't enjoy the game sometimes belittle those who do enjoy it despite its flaws (i noticed this on myself as well.... and i feel terrible because of it)!
This is not what gaming is about in my opinion! Gaming is about having fun and sharing that enjoyment and while the game was a monumental disappointment for myself it does in not mean that there is nothing to like about this game. I would like to have a thread where everyone can look for a positive common ground regarding the game.
There is obviously al lot of untapped potential in this game but that potential had to have been created through hard work and creativity and it shows! I would really like it if we could discuss those aspects the game without the divide and instead find common ground... please no arguing or worse attempting to refute the aspects one finds enjoyable about the game (that is what leads to divide and we have enough of that)!
What i like most about the game is the potential it has to grow... there is literally no limit to the amount of deep story's that can be told in this setting! There are so many philosophical and ethical questions that could be tackled (and in some ways already have been). This game could get dozens if not hundreds of payed story DLC without getting stale at all! And i would love to one day play the game Cyberpunk 2077 could be! If CDPR would have made the game shown in 2018 i for one would have bought every story DLC they would have made for the game no matter how many on how far into the future even at full price! But that is just me... there are those who like other aspects of the game and i would love to know them all!
This is not what gaming is about in my opinion! Gaming is about having fun and sharing that enjoyment and while the game was a monumental disappointment for myself it does in not mean that there is nothing to like about this game. I would like to have a thread where everyone can look for a positive common ground regarding the game.
There is obviously al lot of untapped potential in this game but that potential had to have been created through hard work and creativity and it shows! I would really like it if we could discuss those aspects the game without the divide and instead find common ground... please no arguing or worse attempting to refute the aspects one finds enjoyable about the game (that is what leads to divide and we have enough of that)!
What i like most about the game is the potential it has to grow... there is literally no limit to the amount of deep story's that can be told in this setting! There are so many philosophical and ethical questions that could be tackled (and in some ways already have been). This game could get dozens if not hundreds of payed story DLC without getting stale at all! And i would love to one day play the game Cyberpunk 2077 could be! If CDPR would have made the game shown in 2018 i for one would have bought every story DLC they would have made for the game no matter how many on how far into the future even at full price! But that is just me... there are those who like other aspects of the game and i would love to know them all!
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