I talk about Phantom Liberty. Myers didn't plan Songbird's "betrayal", Myers didn't plan to get hit by Hansen's missiles, Myers didn't plan to crash "badly" Air Force One in Dogtown and Myers didn't plan to be hunted by Hansen after the crash...
I could also say that if Hansen didn't make a deal with Songbird, nor Reed, Alex and V wouldn't have to "save" Songbird and so, wouldn't have to kill Hansen. Again, a consequence of a poor decision.
Without Hansen "poor" decisions, Myers would have continued on his way in Air Force One over Night City to his intended destination without bother about Hansen, about Dogtown or even about Night City (for now).
So no matter if Myers/NUSA planned to "kill/get ride of" Hansen at some point, if he died during Phantom Liberty events, it's his own fault. He simply precipitated his fall. He give Myers the stick to be beaten.
I could also say the same for V... If V die, it's only because of V's decisions, nothing else.
I give you an example to be sure you get what I mean

Let's imagine your neighbor have a super mean and aggressive dog who really wants to eat you every time he sees you, something he can't do because there is a fence between your yard and your neighbor's yard. Then, for some reason, you decide to jump above the fence to enter in your neighbor's yard. Obviously, his dog will eat you very badly right away.
Now the quesion...
Are you the victim of the dog?
Or are you the victim of your own (poor) decision to jump above the fence?
I'm sorry, but for me, you're a victim of your own poor decision which was to jump above the fence. Exactly like Hansen during Phantom Liberty events, victim of his own decisions.
I thought again about everything you said.
I still disagree, you just added more reasons for me to disagree.
1. Separately aside lies my theory that they all--And So Mi, and Myers, and V, and Hansen were overplayed by Mr Hands, according to his devious, carefully concealed plan. I take it you don't even want to bring it up. That's your right.
2. Next:
If we talk about me and my neighbour's dog - this example, yes I see this picture very clearly, it is in front of my eyes quite clearly.
But: Firstly, I might think that I see not a dog, but a wolf at my neighbour's place. Then the situation looks like the neighbour is fattening the wolf in his house, but why? So, sooner or later the neighbour will let him off the chain? So I should deal with the neighbour sooner? Or for example: the neighbour's dog barks very loudly and spreads the stench, or for example the neighbour brought her a toy, and she threw it over the fence - (you know, such cardboard boxes are sometimes there, there are computer games, board games, etc.), lost it and now barks. Barks loudly, all over the neighbourhood. On the one hand, it could be my fault for climbing the fence. On the other hand, a dog barking is aggression, isn't it?
3. Speaking personally about Colonel (and Hansen's situation is nothing like mine, although I understand him) - don't forget that Hansen has his wounded battle comrades on his hands, whom Myers demands be left to die on the battlefield. Plus Myers demands that he escape by covering himself in shame - that's unacceptable for a warrior. He has a reputation, he has a code of honour-similar to the bushido code of the samurai, it's very important. Myers, Reed, So-mi are not warriors, but killers, as they can only kill from behind, unexpectedly. They dare not go out and fight a fair fight, unlike the Colonel. Only V can fight fair, and the fact that the CDPR forced him to kill the Colonel literally cuts my heart like a dagger!
4. One last thing that occurred to me just a couple of days ago that none of us consider: the Black Wall. We forgot that the Dogtown area is literally permeated with underground bunkers where monstrous forces function.
What if Hansen didn't want to shoot the Presidential shuttle originally, but only tracked the flying ship. However, someone or something compromised the defence systems, and pulled the trigger instead of Hansen's men? What if Slider and the Voodoo Boys made mistakes reprogramming the old tech, and allowed hostile AI to leak into the firmware of the anti-aircraft missiles?
With everything that's happened, this is the version I prioritize:
Black Wall's game.
Black Wall decided to play a game. Song thought she could control The Wall, but he miscalculated her moves. Myers thought she could safely use Black Wall to her advantage by framing So Mi instead, but he punished her. Hansen thought he could use the old military equipment however he wanted and become the king of Dogtown, but he was wrong.