Community Armor Mod Mod?

Hey everyone, I have a quick question for you.

Finished a 100% playthrough of the game already, but looking forward to a second in the future. One of the things I wasn't happy with on my original run was that armor modifications didn't stack, as I am sure most of you are aware.

My question is as follows:

Is armor modifications not stacking intended by the developers to your knowledge?

If it isn't intentional, have you heard anything about it getting fixed/changed?

If it Is intentional, has anyone seen a community mod for the game, or something similar, that changes this?

Thank you for taking the time to read/respond to this post. Enjoy your day!

EDIT: To be clear, I am not talking about the armor stat stacking, which to my knowledge did work, but rather armor/clothing and mods as a whole stacking, such as critical chance and damage etc.
As of my last playthrough which ended a few weeks ago, no, 2+ critical damage or critical chance mods did not stack.
If that is the case, my question is to any modders on these forums, can this be changed via a mod?
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