[Compilation Mods] UREAL Phoenix

UP More Light

Adds new slots for candles.

-Baron castle
-Novigrad brothel district

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for change wether , use with timer function.

//Uphoenixwether start   
    public function Uphoenixweather()
//    event OnAfterLoadingScreenGameStart()
        var gameTimeDays        : Int32;
        var gameTime            : GameTime;
        var gameTimeHours        : Int32;
        var envID                 : Int32;
        var gameTimeHoursint     : Int32;
        var gameTimeHoursh        : Int32;
        var Uphoenixweather        : CEnvironmentDefinition;
        var environmentRes         : Int32;
        var weatherTemplate     : C2dArray;

//        var template             : CEntityTemplate;
        var resourcePath         : C2dArray;
//        var l_weather             : CName;
//        var grassMask : CGenericGrassMask;
//        var foliageScene         : CFoliageScene;
        gameTime = theGame.CalculateTimePlayed();
        gameTimeHours = (GameTimeDays(gameTime) * 24 + GameTimeHours(gameTime));

        gameTimeHoursint = 80;

            if (thePlayer.uphoenixweathercount <= 0.0)


            thePlayer.AddTimer('UpdateUphoenixweather', 1, true);

///            if (gameTimeHours > 1 && gameTimeHours  < 35
///            || gameTimeHours > 100 && gameTimeHours < 135 )
            if (thePlayer.uphoenixweathercount > 1 && gameTimeHours  < 35)
                resourcePath = LoadCSV("dlc\dlcuphoenix\data\environment\wether\novigrad_autumn.csv ");           
                Uphoenixweather = (CEnvironmentDefinition)LoadResource( "dlc\dlcuphoenix\data\environment\definitions\ureal\ureal_novigrad_autom.env", true );
                envID = ActivateEnvironmentDefinition(Uphoenixweather, 1000, 1, 1.f);
            else if (thePlayer.uphoenixweathercount > 35 && gameTimeHours  < 80)           
//            else if (gameTimeHours > 35 && gameTimeHours < 80
//            || gameTimeHours > 135 && gameTimeHours < 180 )

                Uphoenixweather = (CEnvironmentDefinition)LoadResource( "dlc\dlcuphoenix\data\environment\definitions\ureal\cold\env_cold.env", true );
                envID = ActivateEnvironmentDefinition(Uphoenixweather, 1001, 1, 1.f);

            else if (thePlayer.uphoenixweathercount > 80 && gameTimeHours  < 100)               
///            else if (gameTimeHours > 80 && gameTimeHours < 100
///            || gameTimeHours > 180 && gameTimeHours < 200 )

                DeactivateEnvironment(envID, 1000);   
                resourcePath = LoadCSV("dlc\dlcuphoenix\data\environment\wether\novigrad_spring.csv ");
                Uphoenixweather = (CEnvironmentDefinition)LoadResource( "dlc\dlcuphoenix\data\environment\definitions\ureal\cold\env_spring.env", true );
                envID = ActivateEnvironmentDefinition(Uphoenixweather, 1002, 1, 1.f);

            else if (thePlayer.uphoenixweathercount > 100)           
///            else if (gameTimeHours > 100)

                DeactivateEnvironment(envID, 1000);           
                DeactivateEnvironment(envID, 1001);   
                DeactivateEnvironment(envID, 1002);

        World.environmentParameters.weatherTemplate = resourcePath;
    public function RandomUphoenixweather()
    var newWeather : name;
    var currentWeather  : EWeatherEffect;
    var currentArea       : EAreaName;
    var Rand : int;

    Rand = RandRange(1, 4);
    currentArea = theGame.GetCommonMapManager().GetCurrentArea();
    currentWeather = GetCurWeather();

    if (Rand = 1)
            RequestWeatherChangeTo( 'WT_Snow', 300, false );

    else if(Rand = 2)
            RequestWeatherChangeTo( 'WT_Blizzard', 300, false );

    else if(Rand = 3)
            RequestWeatherChangeTo( 'WT_Clear', 300, false );

    else if(Rand = 4)
            RequestWeatherChangeTo(  'WT_Rain_Storm', 300, false );



timer function

    timer function UpdateUphoenixweather(dt : float, timerId : int)

        uphoenixweathercount -= dt;
    public function SetUphoenixweather(t : float)
        uphoenixweathercount = t;
Pics look very good, but not sure what's going on in them...? Could you elaborate? Moon/sun reflexions in the last 2 pics look way better than vanilla, but can't be sure...
Keep up the good work jack! Been using this mod for a while now! Looks fantastic!
UPhoenix is not finished, what is available is the textures pack mod, it lacks the parameters of env files for lighting adjustments. I think I managed to make the script work for the change of four seasons of the game.
I will test it again while continuing the game, I am in the battle of kaer Morhen q403_01_teleport_to_kaer_morhen.w2scene
any news for the final version ? I saw on Nexus the last update was from april, I don't know if it is the final or not.
no, there are only texture packs available on Nexus,
I progress.

the beta version will be available here in two or three months.

I am on this quest .

Yes and no,
to make them compatible, they must be merged,
but some files need to be edited, .ent files for example.
try to merge xml files and put 1 priority for .ent files on W3EE
and for scripts, it's not impossible to merge them.
Yes and no,
to make them compatible, they must be merged,
but some files need to be edited, .ent files for example.
try to merge xml files and put 1 priority for .ent files on W3EE
and for scripts, it's not impossible to merge them.
I get it. In that case I chose your mod, I've been using it for a long time and I really love it. And tell me with the supreme to extreme mod? Is it compatible with that mod?
In the game settings page, select the predefined configuration for the UPhoeniX mod.
If you change configuration settings and have display problems, you will not be able to determine if it is a mod problem or your configuration.

but if you really want to change them and it improves the visual aspect, share the information with me.

Here's what you need to change:
for rendering.xml

            <Preset id="3" displayName="uphoenix">
                <Entry varId="Virtual_TexturesOptionVar"                 value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_LevelOfDetailOptionVar"             value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_WaterOptionVar"                     value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_TerrainOptionVar"                 value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_ShadowsOptionVar"                 value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_HairWorksLevel"                     value="2"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_HairWorksAALevel"                    value="2"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_HairWorksQualityPreset"            value="1"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_GrassOptionVar"                    value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_FoliageVisibility"                value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_CommunitySpawnLimit"                value="4"/>
                <Entry VarId="Virtual_TextureMipBias"                   value="3"/>               

As an example to change this value from Preset:

<Entry varId="Virtual_TexturesOptionVar" value="4"/>
value="4" pour value="3"

the preset will select Option id = "3".
you can also leave it on Option id = "4" and change the paremetres under Option id = "4" of UPhoenix.

            <Var id="Virtual_TexturesOptionVar" displayName="textures" displayType="OPTIONS" tags="refreshEngine">
                    <Option id="0" displayName="low">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="1024"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="2"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="2"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="2"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="200"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="1"/>               
                    <Option id="1" displayName="medium">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="1"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="1"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="1"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="300"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="4"/>           
                    <Option id="2" displayName="high">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="500"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="8"/>                   
                    <Option id="3" displayName="uber">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="800"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="16"/>
                    <Option id="4" displayName="uphoenix">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="4096"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="4096"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="1000"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnisotropy"     value="16"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureStreamingDistanceLimit"             value="440000"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureStreamingHeadsDistanceLimit"             value="20"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureStreamingCharacterDistanceLimit"             value="70"/>

There is also the postprocess.xml file that you can change.
Post automatically merged:

For W3EE, I might have a patch, I have not tested W3EE, do you think it would be something integrated in games?
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In the game settings page, select the predefined configuration for the UPhoeniX mod.
If you change configuration settings and have display problems, you will not be able to determine if it is a mod problem or your configuration.

but if you really want to change them and it improves the visual aspect, share the information with me.

Here's what you need to change:
for rendering.xml

            <Preset id="3" displayName="uphoenix">
                <Entry varId="Virtual_TexturesOptionVar"                 value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_LevelOfDetailOptionVar"             value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_WaterOptionVar"                     value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_TerrainOptionVar"                 value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_ShadowsOptionVar"                 value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_HairWorksLevel"                     value="2"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_HairWorksAALevel"                    value="2"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_HairWorksQualityPreset"            value="1"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_GrassOptionVar"                    value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_FoliageVisibility"                value="4"/>
                <Entry varId="Virtual_CommunitySpawnLimit"                value="4"/>
                <Entry VarId="Virtual_TextureMipBias"                   value="3"/>              

As an example to change this value from Preset:

<Entry varId="Virtual_TexturesOptionVar" value="4"/>
value="4" pour value="3"

the preset will select Option id = "3".
you can also leave it on Option id = "4" and change the paremetres under Option id = "4" of UPhoenix.

            <Var id="Virtual_TexturesOptionVar" displayName="textures" displayType="OPTIONS" tags="refreshEngine">
                    <Option id="0" displayName="low">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="1024"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="2"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="2"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="2"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="200"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="1"/>              
                    <Option id="1" displayName="medium">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="1"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="1"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="1"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="300"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="4"/>          
                    <Option id="2" displayName="high">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="500"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="8"/>                  
                    <Option id="3" displayName="uber">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxAtlasTextureSize"         value="2048"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureDownscale"         value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="DetailTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="AtlasTextureDownscale"     value="0"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryBudget"         value="800"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureMemoryGUIBudget"     value="80"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureTimeBudget"         value="10"/>
                        <Entry varId="TextureInFlightBudget"     value="128"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureAnizotropy"     value="16"/>
                    <Option id="4" displayName="uphoenix">
                        <Entry overrideGroup="TextureStreaming" varId="MaxResidentMipMap"     value="6"/>
                        <Entry varId="MaxTextureSize"             value="4096"/>
                        <Entry varId = "MaxAtlasTextureSize" value = "4096" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureDownscale" value = "0" />
                        <Entry varId = "DetailTextureDownscale" value = "0" />
                        <Entry varId = "AtlasTextureDownscale" value = "0" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureMemoryBudget" value = "1000" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureMemoryGUIBudget" value = "80" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureTimeBudget" value = "10" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureInFlightBudget" value = "128" />
                        <Entry varId = "MaxTextureAnisotropy" value = "16" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureStreamingDistanceLimit" value = "440000" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureStreamingHeadsDistanceLimit" value = "20" />
                        <Entry varId = "TextureStreamingCharacterDistanceLimit" value = "70" />
            </Var> [/ CODE]

También está el archivo postprocess.xml que puede cambiar.
[automerge] 1567752782 [/ automerge]
Para W3EE, podría tener un parche, no he probado W3EE, ¿crees que sería algo integrado en los juegos? [/ QUOTE]
hmm realmente no sé nada de lo que hacen los modders. Al decirle que hay modificaciones que me cuestan instalar modificaciones como el Encuentro aleatorio y es por eso que no sé cómo funciona, mucho menos cómo modificarlas. Sobre W3EE, sé que muchos lo usan, tal vez no la gran mayoría, pero tiene su público. De hecho, ese mod hace que el juego sea desafiante. ¿Por qué no lo usas? Tal vez te encanta: 3
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hmm I really don't know anything about what modders do. With telling you that there are mods that cost me to install mods like the RAndom Encounter and that's why I don't know how it works, much less how to modify them. About W3EE, I know that many use it, maybe not the vast majority, but it does have its public. In fact that mod makes the game challenging. Hmm why don't you use it? Maybe you love it: 3
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