Console commands to open bugged locked doors?

Console commands to open bugged locked doors?

Hi there, I have been having trouble lately with two things. The first is the door to the white orchard crypt being locked, which I need to get into the the viper school diagram quest, and the person of interest in velen that has no key to his cage. I have heard of both of these things being reported before and was wondering if the console would be able to work around them either by unlocking the door, adding the keys to the door to the inventory, or just teleporting past the door somehow.

Thank you!
Yea doesn't appear to be one =/

If the area past the door is fairly large, it may be possible to teleport in though via cheat engine. Believe there a table out there that lets you teleport to your custom map marker.
I would strongly advise not using debug console or cheats. There is usually a reason why some doors are closed ;) Sometimes interaction on doors is triggering something in quest structure, and using teleport will break this. If you have problem with certain door not working, please write to - we will be able to help you. Please remember to attach your save file. Thanks in advance.
Sadly, using debug console was only way to fix plenty of real gamebreaking problems that arose playing this game. That said, I don't think people are encountering bug in this case. Certain witcher gear items are only acquirable when you progress in main story, so if you really can't find a key for a door, it may only open with progressing in main quest later in the game.

Forcing them open, or teleporting behind really could screw your game late on, but if you really want to do it. Use freecam, position it behind the doors, then press x button on controller. That will teleport Geralt.
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