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I hope the next updates will reintroduce some features to the game. I want to see CP77 turn into a No Man's Sky rebirth. Guys, you still can do this.,3345593.html this article is in German but they basically said that CDPR considers the main story "finished" in a sense that DLC will not continue it.
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Actually.. I may be wrong. It looks like that they are saying "story expansions" in this article too
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"I know when I played The Witcher 3 and finished it all, I still wanted to know how the story continues I think we will have such opportunities for Cyberpunk 2077 too."

These are interesting and hopeful words from CDPR UI coordinator Alvin Liu.
Wie CD Projekts UI Coordinator Alvin Liu gegenüber äußerte, sind derlei Story-Erweiterungen auch für Cyberpunk 2077 geplant. Man wolle allerdings erst sicherstellen, dass die Hauptstory abgeschlossen ist, bevor man sich auf DLCs konzentriere.

"Wir sprechen in der Zukunft über Erweiterungen. Wir wollen sicherstellen, dass alles vollständig ist, aber wir wollen auch offene Welten schaffen. Ich weiß, als ich The Witcher 3 gespielt und alles beendet hatte, wollte ich immer noch wissen, wie die Geschichte weitergeht. Ich denke, wir werden auch für Cyberpunk 2077 solche Möglichkeiten haben."

Translated they are saying: "DLC are planned for cyperpunk just like for Witcher 3, but first we want to make sure that everything in the main campaign is complete before going into the DLCs.

"We will talk about expansions in the future. We want to make sure, everything is complete, but we also want to create worlds that can be expanded on. I know, when I played Witcher 3 and finished it, that I wanted to know how the story will go on. I think, we will have the possibility to that for Cyberpunk as well."
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