Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg not triggering...

So I was going for a 100% completion and needed to do this quest, but I have been unable to trigger it. It is not completed or in my contract list, and I haven't started King's Gambit yet because I haven't even started the prerequisite quests. So I fought during the wake in the quest The King Is Dead- Long Live The King and also picked up all the notices in Arinbjorn, as well as went into the inn and lighthouse to see if I could start it there... Nothing.

Other things I have tried:
-verify integrity of game files- fixed 1 issue but I guess it wasn't this.
-fast traveled around and waited a few days and tried picking up the notices again.
- talking to Crach or Madman Lugos again... nothing.
- trying to find Jorund, IDK where he would be at this point.
- spawning all the items in my inventory related to "mh207", which I assume is the quest because it has the same code as the letter and lighthouse key, nothing was in there to trigger it and no wraiths are hanging out around the lighthouse either.
-looking for the notice in my inventory, the one attached to the quest is "Monster on the High Road", which doesn't make any sense but it has the same beginning code as the lighthouse key or the letter

Please help, I really want to continue this save and not miss anything.
Check out the lighthouse related to the quest and use the Witcher senses there. That might trigger the Phantom of Eldberg quest.
Check out the lighthouse related to the quest and use the Witcher senses there. That might trigger the quest.

I've been around the lighthouse and used console to get the key and there's nothing inside to trigger it either.
I didn't see anything that could trigger it at the lighthouse itself, sadly.
I got on to check and there is nothing. I watched a video to make sure I was looking at the right place on the wall and there's nothing for me. Must not spawn until the quest is triggered.
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