#CountdownToTheDarkFuture - November: Famous Solos, Cyberanimals, Timeline 2020-2045, Famous Media Figures.

Day 318 of #countdowntothedarkfuture draws attention to the events of 2024 and 2025. We're moving firmly past #cyberpunk2020 now!
I believe, honestly, its the other way around. While there was fighting in Night City, the safest place at the time WAS the Corporate Center. Arasaka more or less controlled it and had it tightly locked up. Anyone with any sort of ability to get be there would be there to avoid fighting elsewhere. Meaning it may well have been more crowded than normal.

The Towers falling caused chain reactions within the center, destroying other buildings, rupturing gas lines, causing fires which swept outward.

Meanwhile, the nuclear shockwave liquified a good portion of the solidified fill that parts of the city were built on. Buildings collapsed. Sink holes opened up.

And, of course, there was rioting. Looting. Gangs already prone to violence on GOOD days taking advantage of the chaos.

Instantly might have been a poor choice of words but within hours? Half a million people dead isn't a bad estimate.
We are getting somewhere :) But... Nuke in Manhattan killed 11k people...
I'm picky about particular stuff not because I hate CP lore, but because I love it, just won't it to be better. There are probably areas where my suspension of disbelief works better and some where it's not that efficient :) A war that is for all things considered a foot note, compared to WW2, should not cause near apocalypse :)
In worst case scenario the blast would kill some 20-30k plus some 150k injured. If we assume that all injured die and then add secondary effect from violence, diseases, hunger and further pacification we could maybe get to 200-250k. Not 500k plus aditional 250k.
But still, I may not like it, but that's just a game. And I can adapt the lore for myself :)
Day 318 of picking the issues :)
"Europe, less damaged..." Europe was ortillered by the Highrider :) They had not a single reason to mass drive anyone else, as they were fighting for the independence from the ESA :)
I would change it to "Europe is fukked up, bad..." We don't really need the rerun of "Europe so good, so the best" etc. Give China the chance :)
There are probably areas where my suspension of disbelief works better and some where it's not that efficient :)

I can't talk for the creators, but I find no obvious suspension of disbelief... If you can imagine an over-crowded urban area in the future, bombed by a nuclear weapon of a futuristic generation than even a "small" nuke would cause big trouble (more massive or efficient compared to WW2 or even modern nukes), wouldn't it be believable then ? Perhaps the word "died almost instantly" was a bit too much, but I imagined that most of the victims died under the collapsing structures, and not from the direct blow. And considering that dystopian cities are often depicted as vertical structures, you could have quite a few people in the same area...
I can't talk for the creators, but I find no obvious suspension of disbelief... If you can imagine an over-crowded urban area in the future, bombed by a nuclear weapon of a futuristic generation than even a "small" nuke would cause big trouble (more massive or efficient compared to WW2 or even modern nukes), wouldn't it be believable then ? Perhaps the word "died almost instantly" was a bit too much, but I imagined that most of the victims died under the collapsing structures, and not from the direct blow. And considering that dystopian cities are often depicted as vertical structures, you could have quite a few people in the same area...
Tis nuke is not more massive or efficient (well, efficient, maybe, because it's miniaturized) 5KT is still 5KT. 5KT in 1955 is exactly as powerful (or not powerful, comparing with an usual yield of US warheads, which is 150KT). It's just 5KT has not much of a power. It surely would vapourize most of the Arasaka tower, and devastate the city centre. But for the area outside of the kill zone (some 300-500 meter radius) the impact would be severely reduced due to the high density urban area. The shock wave would be directed through the streets and sewers, but it's still just not enough. Anyhow, the effects would be terrible, and with the whole state infrastructure on the brink of collapse, the death toll would be astronomical. Probably just not that astronomical.
Still. It's just a game. In my campaign story it would probably be some 200-300k.
Speaking of which...
Any ETA on the Core Book for Red? :)
Well. After 20years of corporate shenanigans, a little dictatorship is the best that happened in the US? :) It sure helped with the Gang of Four.
I like the idea of reclaiming the abandoned areas. Did you guys read my notes or something :) I even created a state run corp called United States Reclamation and Development Corporation or AmeriCor for my campaign :) It incorporates some natationalized assets from Arasaka, Militech and several failed corps.
And a good, honest to God, small scale capitalism is back! I like :)
As I mentioned above Johnny's body in a cryotank is a "bit" of a problem. EVERYTHING within 150m of the nuke was turned into vapor. I suppose if the nuke was high in the tower and the tank was in the sub-sub-sub basement it might not have been vaporized ... merely turned into molten slag.
As I mentioned above Johnny's body in a cryotank is a "bit" of a problem. EVERYTHING within 150m of the nuke was turned into vapor. I suppose if the nuke was high in the tower and the tank was in the sub-sub-sub basement it might not have been vaporized ... merely turned into molten slag.

Well, the key word is Rumors :) Adam Smasher might have cut Johnny in half, taken said halves, brought them down to the reinforced, deep underground bunker with a cryofacility, put the parts into a tank, sealed the bunker, run upstairs, fought Morgan, experienced first hand that 5KT nuke, exploding underneath has a 200m fireball that is put on delay to let the building epically collapse as he is trading blows with his sworn enemy and watch the rest of the Militech's team escape via helicopter :)
According to "official" reports the destruction of the Arasaka Tower was the result of Silverhand attempting to rescue Cunningham. In reality it was the destruction of a behavior inhibitor Arasaka had on their mainframe that kept an experimental AI under control.

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