Crashing on "LOAD LAST CHECKPOINT" but not "LOAD GAME"


Hi, after update 2.2, I've started to crash when selecting "LOAD LAST CHECKPOINT" after dying, but "LOAD GAME" works fine. Crash is an `EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION`, e.g.:

Error reason: Unhandled exception
Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x2D730720A88.
File: <Unknown>(0)

And it's funny cause my last checkpoint is the same manual save I'll load using "LOAD GAME" anyways. I've been able to reproduce consistently by: starting game -> immediatly fighting cops to die -> "LOAD LAST CHECKPOINT" -> crash after 1-2 deaths/"LOAD LAST CHECKPOINT"s.

I've tried running game as admin, excluding it from windows defender, using 1 RAM stick, disabling/enabling HDD mode, and reinstalling nvidia drivers, but game still crashes for same reason.

Anyone else been experiencing this?



Another thing is that during the loading screen before the crash when using "LOAD LAST CHECKPOINT", there will be no waiting images, e.g.:

instead of the usual w/ a successful load using "LOAD GAME":
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Ok :)
Weird issue anyway... I doubt it would help, but worth to try at least :
And if it doesn't work, I suggest to directly send a ticket to the support ("contact us" button) even if it's only to help them to fix the issue in a futur patch :
If cloud saves are enabled, then the error could also be in the cloud auto save.
Maybe something went wrong with the save game transfer.

But yeah, we'll see what support says about it.

My guess is that one of the save games is damaged and needs to go... only question is which one.
I'm having the same issue + it happens in fast travel and if i die or try the BD trial.
No mods bought the game 2 days ago reinstalled video drivers after using AMD removal tool.

Opened a ticket with help desk and mailed them a save file. Hope for the best.
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