i'm not a designer and never will be. my color mixing skills are terribly aweful. i know three colors: white, black, colored. i know there are color lookup charts but i'm too dumb to use them. why do you expect me to be picasso? very talented people can play with crystalcoat but can i have a paint shop where i can use designs made by professionals? new design stealing system is bad too. don't get me wrong, it is a nice try to work around with such players as me, but there are a lot of parts that don't work. like the kusanagi windshield that stays red no matter what. or restoring the original colors when i'm out. can i just buy that black kusanagi and see it black from any distance? it's not that hard. modders made workshops on day one or so. just remove the old vehicle from the "owned" list and add the new one but check if it was marked as favorite.
everything above is a subjective opinion. everyone else are greatest designers ever and have no such problems
everything above is a subjective opinion. everyone else are greatest designers ever and have no such problems