cyberpunk 2077 bugs report

i'm not sure where to post them so i'll put a list here hopefully being read by dev team or eventually sent to them in a proper way.
BUGS on pc version:
- river ward arms miss shadow and reflection when wears his coat
- V's shadow misses hair
- driving for a long time with a motorcycle in 3rd person results in it being reloaded and assuming the "T pose" before return to usual driving pose
- when starting a new scene or reloading a scene during a talk, even with disabled subititles, they will display the first line and remain on screen till not reloaded the save
- gun aim remains on even when stored
- character model has some odd "blue shadows/layers" when wearing certain clothes, can be spotted in inventory menu
- at times when talking with a character the npc mutes for a line till resumes to talk with the following one, can be solved if reloaded save
- arroyo beat the brat quest is actually bugged, once talked with the fighter he never starts combat
- hand cyberware like tatoos are not displayed in first person while are in inventory menu
I'll piggyback onto your post to detail what I have seen :

  1. Interacting with all mirrors remove all of V's hair and facial clothing
  2. V's shadow does also reflect as if no hair.
  3. Upon loading into the game or transitioning to a new area, a random weapon from your inventory will be displayed as the equipped weapon.
  4. Occasionally when interacting with dead npc loot, regardless if they are not carrying any loot, it will pop up a window of the last looted item until you load out of the area.
  5. NPC spawning behavior very likely to have multiple versions of the same NPC model in close proximity to one another. Immersion breaking.
  6. During dialogue conversations with specific friendly npcs, facially animated dialogue scenes, the npc will speak but their will be no facial/lip animation at all.
  7. Final mission if you pursue the Rogue option, the initially start of the mission at Arasaka tower is extremely bug with the pathing. You have no indication where Rogue is on the map unless you stuck with her.
  8. Final mission but just in general for many quest areas, you need to have the ability to unequip or interact with armor locked behind a certain quest interface.
  9. NPC cars will crash into barricades on certain highways and continue to do this indefinitely. Pathing has errors somewhere.
  10. Crafting experience can break, prohibiting you from gaining further XP from crafting or disassembling items.
  11. More options for minor-vendors needed. Game world is very dense but also super shallow once the player has investigated the area.
  12. NPC dialogue will indicate that a certain food is good like the NPC who sells the prawn but then when you interact with her she does not sell said food type.
  13. We need barber vendors in game, to change hairstyles, piercings etc.
  14. Shooting ranges below the gunsmiths requires more innovation for actual use in game.
i'll add more as I see.
UPDATE, more bugs spotted with 1.05
- when started for the first time, the game doesn't enable controller vibration
- when selected bare fists, the hud displays incorrectly on the lower right bottom the presence of some kind of rifle as equipped weapon.
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