Ah well, at least it's short and easy enough for YouTubers and "journalists" now... I mean, when even a Jeremy Jahns can 100% your game in two weeks... yea.
Ooh boy. With their 10 minute reviews... nah, gonna pass on those and make up my own mind.
Also. I side with the perspective that this game was quite short storywise. But I see a lot of quality/writing things mentioned and I can't really agree with that so much.
I though the writing from what I've chosen for my path was good. I kow, that doesn't justify the entire game, but I had the impression the writing was good. but they packaged in a too small of a box and half fell out over the edge.
If they said "we need another 3 years to make the game we actually wanted" I would've loved they just did that.
This felt a lot like the FO76 situation, and thats me saying it when I tried to keep all the hype on the outside of my doorway. And not knowing shit about the game nor its universe.
With FO76, I bailed out 1 year before its release because of what the game turned into.
Never regretted that decision.
Now, I'm not gonna compare CP2077 to FO76 because I think the game is much better than FO76, MUCH better. But the release... now I cant help but wonder.