Cyberpunk 2077 is too short!


Do you believe CDPR should take the effort to make the main story of CP2077 longer (45h+)?

  • Yes, they should make it a core improvement part of the next free DLCs and patches.

    Votes: 41 26.5%
  • No, main story is long enough as it is.

    Votes: 27 17.4%
  • They should make both the main quest much longer and also make side quest chains much longer.

    Votes: 87 56.1%
  • I like short Call Of Duty single player, this game is too long, they should shorten it to 5~10h.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'd be really interested to see what went wrong when and how. They were so confident when they showed the game at E3 and gamescom in 2018 and 2019, I wonder if that was just PR or if they wheels only came off after that. I remember during the 2019 presentation they said the Voodo Boys mission was in mid-game. In the finished product, this is the last main mission before the finale! Did they know this back then and straight up lied or did the cuts happen in the last 1 1/2 years or so. And why?
Ah well, at least it's short and easy enough for YouTubers and "journalists" now... I mean, wen even a Jeremy Jahns can 100% your game in two weeks... yea.
download (10).png
I think the main story (Act 2) itself is long enough. If you choose to blow through it without exploring the stuff you can do with your potential companions it's on you. I'd love to see the prologue get expanded though.
I wish I could do more than yell like a scorned fan from the stands but we all have our roles.

That's about it, yes. Since 2012, after numerous arguments and hopeful conversations, it came down to this. Life isn't always fair.

It is just a videogame, though, so it's not the most important thing in the world. But it is disappointment and I do wish there was something to do about all this.
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Ah well, at least it's short and easy enough for YouTubers and "journalists" now... I mean, when even a Jeremy Jahns can 100% your game in two weeks... yea.
Ooh boy. With their 10 minute reviews... nah, gonna pass on those and make up my own mind.

Also. I side with the perspective that this game was quite short storywise. But I see a lot of quality/writing things mentioned and I can't really agree with that so much.
I though the writing from what I've chosen for my path was good. I kow, that doesn't justify the entire game, but I had the impression the writing was good. but they packaged in a too small of a box and half fell out over the edge.
If they said "we need another 3 years to make the game we actually wanted" I would've loved they just did that.
This felt a lot like the FO76 situation, and thats me saying it when I tried to keep all the hype on the outside of my doorway. And not knowing shit about the game nor its universe.

With FO76, I bailed out 1 year before its release because of what the game turned into.
Never regretted that decision.
Now, I'm not gonna compare CP2077 to FO76 because I think the game is much better than FO76, MUCH better. But the release... now I cant help but wonder.
The main story can be completed in less than 20 hours. CDPR lied saying that Cyberpunk 2077's main story is only slightly shorter than The Witcher 3. For a game that's been in development for 8 years, the main story should of been at least 30-40 hours long which would of been a lot more acceptable. This is so upsetting. :/
It definitely was not in development for 8 years. Pre production began in 2016. The majority of their team before 2016 were focused Witcher 2, Witcher 3 and its expansions.

I see this statement a lot and it is not true lol.
It definitely was not in development for 8 years. Pre production began in 2016. The majority of their team before 2016 were focused Witcher 2, Witcher 3 and its expansions.

I see this statement a lot and it is not true lol.

Yeah, this was actually apparently a source of company dissent as a lot of people signed up to work on Cyberpunk 2077 and got reassigned for years.

Cyberpunk 2077 had a four year development cycle.
I definitely think it's way too short and this is especially reflected in how shallowly the different origins were done. They really don't play any significant roles plotwise at all and are brief. Things advertised as substantial in promos come and go before you actually have a chance to invest yourself in them.
I'm at 119.7 hours. I still have a lot of small side quests to do an GIG's. I mainly just drive around looking for perps to pimp slap. I don't want the game to end. I heard you can still play after the final mission but I'm not 100% sure. Also I'm only level 40. And my highest damage gun only does 1135 damage. You probably need like 4000 to beat Smasher.


It is relatively short (IMHO way too short) when you follow the pacing the narrative presents you with.

V wasting his/her time in act two is basically V acting out of character.

Add the tons of interesting but dropped plots from the side missions to the mix.

That's why the game is too short.
I cant believe some people are defending W3 is too long arguement. You literally dont want more content for your buck? I cant comprehend this way of thinking. Mainquest line can be easily made longer by removing the lifepath movie and adding lots of quests. And actually being a proper tutorial for many gig types and such.
I'm at 119.7 hours. I still have a lot of small side quests to do an GIG's. I mainly just drive around looking for perps to pimp slap. I don't want the game to end. I heard you can still play after the final mission but I'm not 100% sure. Also I'm only level 40. And my highest damage gun only does 1135 damage. You probably need like 4000 to beat Smasher.

Not to be rude or anything but... How?
My Widow Maker does 4-5K damage per hit, and that's 6 hits with that weapon, through walls, at lvl 35. This is my 2nd playthrough. My knife deals more damage than that at this point...?

On topic. I hated that questline because of Johnny Silverhand. Despised him throughout the entire story, hated the ending I got as well, absolutely unsatisfying. The story feels like it's not even about me and my choices, they have no effect on anything. Except for 1-2 things and the ending - but all endings are virtually the same, since you can't 'keep playing' like in Skyrim after you've beaten the final boss.
In my 2nd playthrough I'm completely avoiding any story quest that would progress me too much.
i played 100 hours on my 1st playthough
i dont think its too short
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... I'd love to see the prologue get expanded though.

that would be a great idea for dcl
problem is, v gets her first kiroshi optics after the 6 months with jackie.
Even though i really dont think much of the story because i really came to loath the two voices johnny ( annoying ) silverhand ... should have been left as a side quest chain !!

The story was super short ( even with there so called research that " a big % of witcher 3 players didnt finish the game" ) and glossed over so much ..

Almost feels at this point it was a great excuse to spit out a half finished game !!

If the players didnt finish witcher 3 CD RED it was most likely because they didnt like it ..

i played witcher 3 start to finish 3 - 4 times including all dlcs and one of my friends has prob done 6 plus play throughs !!

To me the sign of a truly amazing story is i play it once or a few times ( for different endings ) because its moved or excited me so much that i remember it so well

Ive honestly played last of us ( the first one ) i think twice over ( wow one of the first ps4 games i brought ) because thats how much i loved that games story characters .. so memorable !!

Im not sure what broke down with writing but im supposed to be moved by jackies demise after 20 minutes of game play cause he is my best friend that i ever had after a 3 minute cut scene .. ummm wtf

i really believe they cut and pasted the sh.t out of the game so much to get it out the door .. which is so unlike cd red !!

Where are the skyrim thieves guild and brotherhood questlines gone in games ??? theses were almost and in some cases better than the main story and were in the retail game not added on !!

i see amazing potential for this game because overall i like it..
just shouldnt have been released like this!!
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I'm at 119.7 hours. I still have a lot of small side quests to do an GIG's. I mainly just drive around looking for perps to pimp slap. I don't want the game to end. I heard you can still play after the final mission but I'm not 100% sure. Also I'm only level 40. And my highest damage gun only does 1135 damage. You probably need like 4000 to beat Smasher.

This is a sarcastic post, right?
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