Yup, I partially agree. The game has some optimization issues to this day (textures pop-in mainly), but it was not broken, last I played it (I admit i played it on PC, never on PS4). However, it manages to implement some core features shared with CP2077 like:
First person: KCD did it way better, you play in first person, with 3rd person motion captured cutscenes AND simple 3rd person dialogue. I understand that CDPR scrapped 3rd person cutscenes (which is moronic, but understandable) however, i don't see any reason to omit the 3rd person conversations. It's actually more immersive to see your customized character from time to time, imo.
Looting system: Again, better in so many ways....you actually loot what the NPC is carrying.
Decent reputation and wanted system: Any wanted system is better than the one in CP2077, maybe they will fix this at the very least...
Interesting perk system: It's bonkers, I laughed my as* off when I saw the perks I could invest in KCD, in a good way.
Sure, in all fairness, no branching paths for KCD...it's a linear, honest story, which after playing both KCD and CP2077 multiple times, I prefer the one in KCD, it's more robust, has better conclusions and morals and doesn't pretend to give you the freedom of choice. IMO...
I could go on about quest design, world interactivity, weather, immersion (you get dirty, you get hungry) etc etc, but i don't want to rant. The thing that REALLY lit my fuse seeing this video was "we will share information about future games WHEN WE ARE READY"...you can literally see the cringe on his face, and the fact that they skirted and ignored the main issue of the game, the cut content and the bare bones gameplay...imo again, that's just me. Some people enjoy the game as is, being contempt just running around and killing random mobs, shutting down their brains, but for me, I couldn't bring myself to finish the game a second time because it felt like a chore and has no replay value.