Cyberpunk 2077 — Our Commitment to Quality

You don’t like the game, you don’t trust CDPR even remotely when they say they will fix it.

Why are you here? Why don’t you just refund the game and be done with CDPR for good?
What is there to gain by nihilistic posting here?

I’m not trying to get at you, I’m genuinely curious what’s the goal here? Just to vent frustration?
I like talking about games and reading about them, regardless of if I like the game or not.
Yeah - regional laws regarding consumer rights can be bad. Especially because, despite the fanboi love - Steam is a fucking monster when it comes to consumer rights.

As much as I love Steam, still cannot hold my frustration when I cannot refund a game long time ago because exceeded the playtime. However, Steam is the only platform that let consumers rate and discuss the game. They even provide local pricing option. Given so much transparency for a consumers before they purchase it. The main reason is not Steam's fault, its all come from the developer.

I bought CP from GoG not Steam.
Whoever is in charge of the PR needs to [...] stop right now. Issue this apology after you have made some ground on fixing the game properly. Actually better still just shut your mouth and fix the game. Sony pulled the game from its store it is a joke is what it is. The apology was full of BS. Anyone that listened to that apology and thinks it was genuine is ripe for being grifted. Who in their right mind thinks that nobody caught the issues. That it just so happened that way. It actually is more grating that not only did they lie and mislead their supporters, they now insult their intelligence too? The genuine cheek.

I do not appreciate my posts being edited when nothing abusive has been said, and if you believe it to be so let me know so I can stand corrected. oh I see , my post was considered rude because I said who ever was in charge of PR needs to go? I'd consider it a fair observation and suggestion considering the current situation.
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As much as I love Steam, still cannot hold my frustration when I cannot refund a game long time ago because exceeded the playtime. However, Steam is the only platform that let consumers rate and discuss the game. They even provide local pricing option. Given so much transparency for a consumers before they purchase it. The main reason is not Steam's fault, its all come from the developer.

I bought CP from GoG not Steam.

That's interesting - GOG has always been solid when I've needed to do refunds.

Like, above and beyond good.

A game I'd played hundreds of hours stopped working (and it was an older game) - they offered me a refund almost straight away.
Iwiński: "Don't blame the developers, it's my and the board's fault"

also Iwiński, low-key: "Psst, it's actually totally the testers' fault"

Yup, I partially agree. The game has some optimization issues to this day (textures pop-in mainly), but it was not broken, last I played it (I admit i played it on PC, never on PS4). However, it manages to implement some core features shared with CP2077 like:
First person: KCD did it way better, you play in first person, with 3rd person motion captured cutscenes AND simple 3rd person dialogue. I understand that CDPR scrapped 3rd person cutscenes (which is moronic, but understandable) however, i don't see any reason to omit the 3rd person conversations. It's actually more immersive to see your customized character from time to time, imo.
Looting system: Again, better in so many actually loot what the NPC is carrying.
Decent reputation and wanted system: Any wanted system is better than the one in CP2077, maybe they will fix this at the very least...
Interesting perk system: It's bonkers, I laughed my as* off when I saw the perks I could invest in KCD, in a good way.
Sure, in all fairness, no branching paths for's a linear, honest story, which after playing both KCD and CP2077 multiple times, I prefer the one in KCD, it's more robust, has better conclusions and morals and doesn't pretend to give you the freedom of choice. IMO...

I could go on about quest design, world interactivity, weather, immersion (you get dirty, you get hungry) etc etc, but i don't want to rant. The thing that REALLY lit my fuse seeing this video was "we will share information about future games WHEN WE ARE READY" can literally see the cringe on his face, and the fact that they skirted and ignored the main issue of the game, the cut content and the bare bones gameplay...imo again, that's just me. Some people enjoy the game as is, being contempt just running around and killing random mobs, shutting down their brains, but for me, I couldn't bring myself to finish the game a second time because it felt like a chore and has no replay value.

That reminds me of Gothic 1/2 and how amazing that game is even now and basically unmatched by other newer titles. It's still one of the few RPGs where you can knock people out without killing them and get threatened by mobs before they attack you directly. Not to mention the quest/world design, which is almost unmatched in its simplicity and ingenuity. Funny thing is, CDPR were saying Witcher 1 was supposed to be the spiritual successor to the Gothic series (since Gothic 3 was an abomination) but even then they managed to make a far more linear game, come to think of it. I'm not sure why they are always pushing for this type of open world stuff and saying that's what inspires them when it's clear that what CDPR likes to make and what they are capable of making well are extremely story-focused experiences with heavily scripted events. Why Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk have these huge worlds, for example, is completely beyond me. They both feel dead and it's basically the same as walking around in an MMO - even worse, since MMOs at least have other players. Like is it nice to walk around Novigrad and Night City? I guess so. But not nearly as nice as all the time it took to make these places. I hardly see how the time investment was worth it. If Cyberpunk had mostly been a hub-based game with the occasional mission taking you other places, then I think it wouldn't have just been easier for them to develop, but I would've enjoyed it a lot more in the end as well.
Iwiński: "Don't blame the developers, it's my and the board's fault"

also Iwiński, low-key: "Psst, it's actually totally the testers' fault"

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...that's really not what he's saying at all....

If you've ever worked in any industry in IT - the testing environment can be gravy but as soon as something is patched into the real world - it can all go to shit super fast.
Is it possible to release the next gen update after patch 1.2? Coz I think this has sidelined some fans that bought the game on new systems thinking they are gonna get an update soon.
Anyway atleast add the stuff that was missing in the game.
PLEASE PLEASE FIX THE AI AND PHYSICS. The NPC's have no response to the player. They can't seem to go around my car when I leave it on the road. They don't react when it starts raining. These are things present in the Witcher 3.
The water physics is non existent. The police and wanted level system is completely broken as they seem to spawn out of nowhere.
For a game which priotises choice I can't seem to change my hair, customise my car, buy apartments or even completely make myself more machine than human things that were promised.

Thanks to CDPR team for all your efforts so far and thank you to Marcin for the statement. Its refreshing to see a company exec taking responsibility. I'm a PS4 gamer and I've currently paused my playthrough whilst I wait for the patches, not because it was was just frustrating. I thought I'd wait until it is running as intended. Still don't want a refund

Keep up the good work!
That's interesting - GOG has always been solid when I've needed to do refunds.

Like, above and beyond good.

A game I'd played hundreds of hours stopped working (and it was an older game) - they offered me a refund almost straight away.
That's good for you that they break their own TnC to accept your refund. Can be your government law or something. I remember someone got a refund on Steam, not everyone.
You do understand that action takes time right? They cannot fix the game in a couple of weeks, it takes time, like it or not.

Sure, they are entitiled to do it, but that is not what I am seeing here. What I am seeing is the same people repeating the same stuff over, and over and over, in every topic. Do not get me wrong, if that is how you want to spend your time, feel free.
However they go farther, calling people, simply put, idiots because they like the game, or trust CDPR about fixing the game.
I can decide who I trust, or what I like. I do not need anybody else to tell it to me.
Well this is my first time on these forums and I see a lot of people with legitimate complaints and a small few unreasonable ones, I also see a lot of people being unreasonably accepting of the state the game was released in and defending things that should not be defended. It's all a matter of perspective I suppose. Also I realise that actions take time, what I am saying is when they act we will see if they redeem themselves. Talk is cheap and can be simply used to appease. The game should not have been released in this state, end of story.
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That's good for you that they break their own TnC to accept your refund. Can be your government law or something. I remember someone got a refund on Steam, not everyone.

Maybe - I am in Australia and we do have some of the strongest consumer rights laws.

But regional law and consumer rights is always weird - something like Steam and GOG operates in so many countries with different laws - it must be mad to try and keep track of it all.
It's not too bad, though one could argue it's still not happy. Just satisfying.

People disagree that the majority of endings for games are mostly all good and happy endings? I mean, I've been gaming a long time, 40 years at this point. Out of all the mainstay cRPG's and aCRPG's, even stealth-cRPG's, you run a very short number where the endings are anything but good. BG/BGII, PS:T, NWN, FO/FO2/FO3/FO4. Skyrim, Morrowind, Oblivion, KoTOR/KoTOR2, Deus Ex, DX:HR/MD, Mass Effect, Halo, Gears, Doom, all of the FF games, the endings are all 'good' there is no real "you did everything right and still failed in saving yourself." The only game I can think of that has a "you did everything right, and still failed" is Dead Space.

I'd like to hear your opinions on that though, and if you want me to expand let me know. Differencing opinions and views on this stuff are always interesting as anything, and because I used to work in the industry myself though not western, JP rather and mostly in the indie-RPG arena. It kinda tickles my interest to hear what people think and say on this.

40 years of gaming an expert does not make. But fair enough.
And while I agree with some of your examples, I'd argue that games like Telltales The Walking Dead, Fallout 3, Planescape Torment, Infamous 2, KoTOR2, DeusEx 2, Mass Effect Series as a whole, Halo, Doom, RDR2, AC3, LA Noire, Bioshock Infinite, Shadow of the Colossus all have either unresolved endings, cliffhangers that are left open purposefully for weird reasons, where just downright disrespectful about the player characters journey ending or just had them fail as well as employing cheap shock value.

I guess it ultimately is about what people think "good" or "good enough" actually means or if they think certain writing elements are valid enough or not.

To me at least CP77 ending was anything but satisfying. I am sure I don't need to point out the reason why that specific arbitrary thing makes no sense. It has been discussed in so many other threads already. It was not necessary to lock it in at the 11th hour of the game without an option to influence it. If someone likes that, it's perfectly fine. But I fail to understand why those that do also don't want others to have additional(!) options while those that would like those options are not against removing what others like. It does not take away anything.
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That's good for you that they break their own TnC to accept your refund. Can be your government law or something. I remember someone got a refund on Steam, not everyone.

What I've learned about services like these is that it depends a lot who is reading your request and also the history of your account. I can't speak for GOG, since I've never refunded anything I've purchased, but Blizzard for example are way more likely to grant you a refund (even an unwarranted one) if you are an older player that has never requested anything, and they're way more unlikely to grant you a warranted refund if your history is full of you asking for help. That's why it's generally a good idea to save your favors and refunds for the times you truly need them.
I don't think they are, necessarily.

There are five main endings to the game. Suicide, Temperance (Johnny ending). Star (Aldecaldos), Sun (Legend), Devil (Arasaka).

Suicide and Temperance are the definitive ends for Vs story imo. You wouldn't be able to continue the story from here because, well, V is either dead or may as well be.

Star has you heading to Arizona, looking for a cure.

Sun has you going to Crystal Palace for Mr Blue Eyes for a job which "V would do anything for"

Devil has (aslong as you return to earth) Hanako call you up and offer employment, hinting at a big job.

If they do a post-game DLC like Blood and Wine, the endings for each of the above will serve as a jumping off point that could lead to a central location. For example, Arizona isn't the end goal, somewhere else is, same with crystal palace. That's how they should do it imo.

I just don't see them putting in the work for that. But I honestly hope you're right.
40 years of gaming an expert does not make. But fair enough.
And while I agree with some of your examples, I'd argue that games like Telltales The Walking Dead, Fallout 3, Planescape Torment, Infamous 2, KoTOR2, DeusEx 2, Mass Effect Series as a whole, Halo, Doom, RDR2, AC3, LA Noire, Bioshock Infinite, Shadow of the Colossus all have either unresolved endings, cliffhangers that are left open purposefully for weird reasons, where just downright disrespectful about the player characters journey ending or just had them fail as well as employing cheap shock value.

I guess that depends on how much you enjoyed the game up to that point. For example, I recently finished GTA V and hated the ending, but I don't think that washes away all good times I had with the game. One writer might pour their heart and soul into one particular section of the game, while another might be responsible for the ending. At some point, you have to be able to disconnect the two. I love Mass Effect 1 and 2, for example, which is why Mass Effect 3 is basically non-existent in my memory. I don't even consider it canon.
Very encouraged by your statement and show of commitment. As a PC gamer I can't add anything more constructive than has already been said by everyone else here. This game screams at me huge unrealised potential! Tap into it, unlock it and keep up the good work!
Iwiński: "Don't blame the developers, it's my and the board's fault"

also Iwiński, low-key: "Psst, it's actually totally the testers' fault"

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To be fair the anonymous complaints from employees say that CDPR pays QA minimum wage, so it's very possible that their employees don't give a crap about quality as a result. If I was paid minimum wage I would put in minimum effort. So it's very possible that CDPR has bad QA. Isn't polands minimum wage around $5/hr or something?
...that's really not what he's saying at all....

If you've ever worked in any industry in IT - the testing environment can be gravy but as soon as something is patched into the real world - it can all go to shit super fast.

Ah cool so what is he saying then as you have the inside scoop? Do tell us mere mortals some of whom be your next boss. we are all ears as to what exactly this less than half hearted apology can mean? it was just a lucky coincidence that no reviews got out about performance on ps4. Gotcha.
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