Hello! I really love your games with great pleasure playing Cyberpunk on the computer. personally, I have not encountered all these problems and bugs about which everyone is yelling around, I had only one funny bug with Johnny's cigarette (it stuck in space with his hand) and a couple of times I got stuck in textures ... in general, it's okay and nothing critical. other games had worse bugs and much more frequent bugs. that's why it hurts me to hear on the Internet all that negativity about cyberpunk, about your company and the fact that СDproject is threatened with a lawsuit, etc. I am terribly hurt for you and scared, because the game came out cool, a lot of plot, many interesting quests, many side quests and a cool, well-developed game world! I have great pleasure in exploring the world of night city, I look forward to DLС and I want to wish the rest of the players, those who behave toxicly on the Internet and are just waiting for the opportunity to shout on YouTube about the shortcomings of the game, first think about what your work and time are worth, and how many problems come out in other games, and they are not fixed, while you are trying for us, taking responsibility for yourself and feel sorry. You are wonderful game developers and creators, I love your Witcher, GWENT, and thronebreaker series. and now cyberpunk too. Thank you for the new game and I sincerely wish you strength and health to cope with this streak of tests and not lose yourself and your fire that you put into games. I love you, CDProject, and really root for you!
your loyal fan